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  • او به سوی آسمان می‌کرد رو ** واقعه‌ی ما را نداند غیر تو
  • He (the poor man) was turning his face to Heaven (and saying), “None knoweth my (spiritual) experience save Thee.
  • در دل من آن دعا انداختی ** صد امید اندر دلم افراختی
  • Thou didst put that prayer into my heart, Thou didst raise dreams.”
  • من نمی‌کردم گزافه آن دعا ** همچو یوسف دیده بودم خوابها
  • Not idly was I uttering that prayer: like Joseph, I had dreamed dreams.”
  • دید یوسف آفتاب و اختران ** پیش او سجده‌کنان چون چاکران
  • Joseph saw (in dream) the sun and the stars bowing low before him, like servants.
  • اعتمادش بود بر خواب درست ** در چه و زندان جز آن را می‌نجست 2335
  • He relied upon the true dream: in the dungeoun and prison he sought nothing but that.
  • ز اعتماد او نبودش هیچ غم ** از غلامی وز ملام و بیش و کم
  • Because of his reliance upon that, he cared naught for servitude or reproach or (anything else whether) more or less.
  • اعتمادی داشت او بر خواب خویش ** که چو شمعی می‌فروزیدش ز پیش
  • He had a (great) reliance upon his dream which was shining in front of him like a candle.
  • چون در افکندند یوسف را به چاه ** بانگ آمد سمع او را از اله
  • When they cast Joseph into the well, there came to his ear a cry from God-
  • که تو روزی شه شوی ای پهلوان ** تا بمالی این جفا در رویشان
  • “O paladin, one day thou wilt become king, so that thou mayst rub this wrong upon their faces.”
  • قایل این بانگ ناید در نظر ** لیک دل بشناخت قایل را ز اثر 2340
  • He who utters this cry is not visible, but the heart (of Joseph) recognized the Speaker from the effect (of the words.)
  • قوتی و راحتی و مسندی ** در میان جان فتادش زان ندا
  • From that (Divine) allocution a (great) strength and peace and support fell into the midst of his soul.
  • چاه شد بر وی بدان بانگ جلیل ** گلشن و بزمی چو آتش بر خلیل
  • Through that Majestical cry the well became to him a rose-garden and banquet, as the fire to Abraham.
  • هر جفا که بعد از آنش می‌رسید ** او بدان قوت بشادی می‌کشید
  • Bu means of that strength he cheerfully endured every affliction that came to him afterwards-
  • همچنانک ذوق آن بانگ الست ** در دل هر مومنی تا حشر هست
  • Even as the delicious savour of the cryAm not I (your Lord)? Subsists in the heart of every true believer till the Resurrection,
  • تا نباشد در بلاشان اعتراض ** نه ز امر و نهی حقشان انقباض 2345
  • So that they do not rebel in tribulation or shrink from (obeying) the commands and prohibitions of God.
  • لقمه‌ی حکمی که تلخی می‌نهد ** گلشکر آن را گوارش می‌دهد
  • The rose-conserve (of spiritual delight) digests the morsel, that is, the (Divine) decree, which bestows bitterness;
  • گلشکر آن را که نبود مستند ** لقمه را ز انکار او قی می‌کند
  • (But) he that does not rely upon the rose-conserve vomits the morsel in disgust.
  • هر که خوابی دید از روز الست ** مست باشد در ره طاعات مست
  • Any one who has dreamed of the Day of Alast is drunken in the path of devotional works, drunken:
  • می‌کشد چون اشتر مست این جوال ** بی فتور و بی گمان و بی ملال
  • Like a drunken (frenzied) camel, he is bearing this (heavy) sack without flagging and without questioning and without fatigue;
  • کفک تصدیقش بگرد پوز او ** شد گواه مستی و دلسوز او 2350
  • The froth round his muzzle, namely, his confession of faith, has become a witness to his (inward) intoxication and heart-burning.
  • اشتر از قوت چو شیر نر شده ** زیر ثقل بار اندک‌خور شده
  • Through the strength (bestowed on him) the camel becomes like a fierce lion; beneath the heavy burden he eats little (food).
  • ز آرزوی ناقه صد فاقه برو ** می‌نماید کوه پیشش تار مو
  • In (his) longing for the she-camel a hundred starvations (lie lightly) on him; the mountain seems to him (as) a strand of hair.
  • در الست آنکو چنین خوابی ندید ** اندرین دنیا نشد بنده و مرید
  • (But) he who has not dreamed such a dream in Alast does not become a servant and seeker (of God) in this world;
  • ور بشد اندر تردد صد دله ** یک زمان شکرستش و سالی گله
  • Or if he does become (such), (he is) always changing and shifting in vacillation: he gives thanks (to God) for one moment and utters complaints for a year.
  • پای پیش و پای پس در راه دین ** می‌نهد با صد تردد بی یقین 2355
  • He steps forward and backwards in the Way of the Religion with a hundred vacillations and without (any) certainty.