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  • تو نکردی فصد و از بینی دوید ** خون افزون تا ز تب جانت رهید
  • You did not let blood (by cupping), and (therefore) the superfluous blood ran from your nose, to the end that your life might be saved from fever.
  • مغز هر میوه بهست از پوستش ** پوست دان تن را و مغز آن دوستش
  • The core of every fruit is better than its rind: deem the body to be the rind, and its friend (the spirit) to be the core.
  • مغز نغزی دارد آخر آدمی ** یکدمی آن را طلب گر زان دمی
  • After all, Man has a goodly core: seek it for one moment, if you are of (if you belong to those inspired by) that (Divine) breath.
  • در آمدن حمزه رضی الله عنه در جنگ بی زره
  • How Hamza, may God be well-pleased with him, came to battle without a coat of mail.
  • اندر آخر حمزه چون در صف شدی ** بی زره سرمست در غزو آمدی
  • Whenever at the end (of his life) Hamza went into the ranks (on the battlefield), he would enter the fray (like one) intoxicated, without a coat of mail.
  • سینه باز و تن برهنه پیش پیش ** در فکندی در صف شمشیر خویش 3420
  • Advancing with open breast and naked body, he would throw himself into the sword-bearing ranks.
  • خلق پرسیدند کای عم رسول ** ای هزبر صف‌شکن شاه فحول
  • The people asked him, saying, “O uncle of the Prophet, O Lion that breakest the ranks (of the foemen), O prince of the champions,
  • نه تو لا تلقوا بایدیکم الی ** تهلکه خواندی ز پیغام خدا
  • Hast not thou read in the Message of God (theQur’án) ‘Do not cast yourselves with your own hands into destruction’?
  • پس چرا تو خویش را در تهلکه ** می در اندازی چنین در معرکه
  • Then why art thou casting thyself thus into destruction on the field of battle?
  • چون جوان بودی و زفت و سخت‌زه ** تو نمی‌رفتی سوی صف بی زره
  • When thou wert young and robust and strongly-knit, thou didst not go into the battle-line without a coat of mail.
  • چون شدی پیر و ضعیف و منحنی ** پرده‌های لا ابالی می‌زنی 3425
  • Now that thou hast become old and infirm and bent, thou art knocking at the curtains (doors) of recklessness,
  • لا ابالی‌وار با تیغ و سنان ** می‌نمایی دار و گیر و امتحان
  • And with sword and spear, like one who recks of naught, thou art grappling and struggling and making trial (of thyself).
  • تیغ حرمت می‌ندارد پیر را ** کی بود تمییز تیغ و تیر را
  • The sword hath no respect for the old: how should sword and arrow possess discernment?”
  • زین نسق غمخوارگان بی‌خبر ** پند می‌دادند او را از غیر
  • In this manner were the ignorant sympathisers giving him counsel zealously.
  • جواب حمزه مر خلق را
  • The reply of Hamza to the people.
  • گفت حمزه چونک بودم من جوان ** مرگ می‌دیدم وداع این جهان
  • Hamza said, “When I was young, I used to regard farewell to this world as death.
  • سوی مردن کس برغبت کی رود ** پیش اژدرها برهنه کی شود 3430
  • How should any one go to death eagerly? How should he come naked (unarmed) to meet the dragon?
  • لیک از نور محمد من کنون ** نیستم این شهر فانی را زبون
  • But now, through the Light of Mohammed, I am not subject to this city (the world) that is passing away.
  • از برون حس لشکرگاه شاه ** پر همی‌بینم ز نور حق سپاه
  • Beyond (the realm of) the senses, I behold the camp of the (Divine) King thronged with the army of the Light of God,
  • خیمه در خیمه طناب اندر طناب ** شکر آنک کرد بیدارم ز خواب
  • Tent on tent and tent-rope on tent-rope. Thanks be to Him who awakened me from slumber!”
  • آنک مردن پیش چشمش تهلکه‌ست ** امر لا تلقوا بگیرد او به دست
  • That one in whose eyes death is destruction—he takes hold of (clings to) the (Divine) command, “Do not cast (yourselves into destruction)”;
  • و آنک مردن پیش او شد فتح باب ** سارعوا آید مرورا در خطاب 3435
  • And that one to whom death is the opening of the gate—for him in the (Divine) Allocution (the Qur’án) there is (the command), “Vie ye with each other in hastening.”
  • الحذر ای مرگ‌بینان بارعوا ** العجل ای حشربینان سارعوا
  • Beware, O ye who regard death! Surpass one another (in dread of death)! Quick, O ye who regard the Resurrection! Vie ye with each other in hastening!
  • الصلا ای لطف‌بینان افرحوا ** البلا ای قهربینان اترحوا
  • Welcome, O ye who regard the (Divine) grace! Rejoice! Woe (to you), O ye who regard the (Divine) wrath! Be sorrowful!
  • هر که یوسف دید جان کردش فدی ** هر که گرگش دید برگشت از هدی
  • Whosoever deems it (death) to be (lovely as) Joseph gives up his soul in ransom for it; whosoever deems it to be (like) the wolf turns back from (the path of) right guidance.
  • مرگ هر یک ای پسر همرنگ اوست ** پیش دشمن دشمن و بر دوست دوست
  • Every one's death is of the same quality as himself, my lad: to the enemy (of God) an enemy, and to the friend (of God) a friend.
  • پیش ترک آیینه را خوش رنگیست ** پیش زنگی آینه هم زنگیست 3440
  • In the eyes of the Turcoman the mirror hath a fair colour; similarly in the eyes of the Ethiopian the mirror is (dark as) an Ethiopian.