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  • هر که اندر کار تو شد مرگ‌دوست ** بر دل تو بی کراهت دوست اوست
  • Whosoever in (this) matter of thine has become death-loving (and desires thy death) without dislike (without being hateful) to thy heart, he is (thy) beloved.
  • چون کراهت رفت آن خود مرگ نیست ** صورت مرگست و نقلان کردنیست
  • When dislike is gone, verily ‘tis not death: ‘tis (only) the semblance of death, and (in reality) ‘tis a migration.
  • چون کراهت رفت مردن نفع شد ** پس درست آید که مردن دفع شد
  • When dislike is gone, dying becomes advantageous; hence it comes true that death is repelled.
  • دوست حقست و کسی کش گفت او ** که توی آن من و من آن تو
  • The beloved is God and the person to whom He hath said, “Thou art Mine and I am thine.”
  • گوش دار اکنون که عاشق می‌رسد ** بسته عشق او را به حبل من مسد 4615
  • Now listen, for the lover is coming whom Love bound with a cord of palm-fibre.
  • چون بدید او چهره‌ی صدر جهان ** گوییا پریدش از تن مرغ جان
  • When he beheld the countenance of the Sadr-i Jahán, you might say the bird, his spirit, flew out of his body.
  • همچو چوب خشک افتاد آن تنش ** سرد شد از فرق جان تا ناخنش
  • His body fell like dry wood: his vital spirit became cold from the crown of his head to his toes.
  • هرچه کردند از بخور و از گلاب ** نه بجنبید و نه آمد در خطاب
  • Whatsoever they applied of incense and rose-water, he neither stirred nor spoke.
  • شاه چون دید آن مزعفر روی او ** پس فرود آمد ز مرکب سوی او
  • When the King saw his saffron-coloured (pallid) face, he dismounted from his steed (and came) towards him.
  • گفت عاشق دوست می‌جوید بتفت ** چونک معشوق آمد آن عاشق برفت 4620
  • He said, “The lover hotly seeks the beloved: when the beloved comes, the lover is gone.”
  • عاشق حقی و حق آنست کو ** چون بیاید نبود از تو تای مو
  • Thou art a lover of God, and God is such that when He comes there is not a single hair of thee (remaining).
  • صد چو تو فانیست پیش آن نظر ** عاشقی بر نفی خود خواجه مگر
  • At that look (of His) a hundred like thee vanish away: me-thinks, sire, thou art in love with self-naughting .
  • سایه‌ای و عاشقی بر آفتاب ** شمس آید سایه لا گردد شتاب
  • Thou art a shadow and in love with the sun: the sun comes, the shadow is naughted speedily.
  • داد خواستن پشه از باد به حضرت سلیمان علیه السلام
  • How, in the presence of Solomon, on whom be peace, the gnat appealed for justice against the Wind.
  • پشه آمد از حدیقه وز گیاه ** وز سلیمان گشت پشه دادخواه
  • The gnat came from the garden and the grass, and the gnat began to demand justice from Solomon,
  • کای سلیمان معدلت می‌گستری ** بر شیاطین و آدمی‌زاد و پری 4625
  • Saying, “O Solomon, thou dealest out justice to the devils and the children of men and the Jinn.
  • مرغ و ماهی در پناه عدل تست ** کیست آن گم‌گشته کش فضلت نجست
  • Bird and fish are under the protection of thy justice: who is the lost one whom thy bounty hath not sought out?
  • داد ده ما را که بس زاریم ما ** بی‌نصیب از باغ و گلزاریم ما
  • Give justice to us, for we are very miserable: we are deprived of the orchard and the rose-garden.
  • مشکلات هر ضعیفی از تو حل ** پشه باشد در ضعیفی خود مثل
  • The difficulties of every weakling are solved by thee: the gnat in sooth is the (proverbial) similitude for weakness.
  • شهره ما در ضعف و اشکسته‌پری ** شهره تو در لطف و مسکین‌پروری
  • We are celebrated for weakness and frailty: thou art celebrated for kindness and care of the lowly.
  • ای تو در اطباق قدرت منتهی ** منتهی ما در کمی و بی‌رهی 4630
  • O thou who hast reached the limit in (traversing) the stages of Power, (while) we have reached the limit in failure and aberration,
  • داد ده ما را ازین غم کن جدا ** دست گیر ای دست تو دست خدا
  • Do justice, relieve us from this sorrow, take our hand (to help us), O thou whose hand is the hand of God.”
  • پس سلیمان گفت ای انصاف‌جو ** داد و انصاف از که میخواهی بگو
  • Then Solomon said, “O seeker of equity, tell (me), against whom art thou demanding justice and equity?
  • کیست آن کالم که از باد و بروت ** ظلم کردست و خراشیدست روت
  • Who is the oppressor that in (his) insolence has done thee injury and scratched thy face?
  • ای عجب در عهد ما ظالم کجاست ** کو نه اندر حبس و در زنجیر ماست
  • Oh, wonderful! Where, in Our epoch, is the oppressor that is not in Our prison and chains?
  • چونک ما زادیم ظلم آن روز مرد ** پس بعهد ما کی ظلمی پیش برد 4635
  • When We were born, on that day Injustice died: who, then, hath produced (committed) in Our epoch an act of injustice?