از ملوک خاک جز بانگ دهل ** تو نخواهی یافت ای پیک سبل
From the kings of earth you will get nothing but the (empty) noise of a drum, O courier of (many) roads.
شهریان خود رهزنان نسبت بروح ** روستایی کیست گیج و بی فتوح
Even the townsmen are brigands in comparison with the Spirit. Who is the countryman? The fool that is without spiritual gifts.
این سزای آنک بی تدبیر عقل ** بانگ غولی آمدش بگزید نقل
This is what is deserved by him who, (when) the cry of a ghoul came to him, without rational foresight chose to move (towards the ghoul).
چون پشیمانی ز دل شد تا شغاف ** زان سپس سودی ندارد اعتراف
When repentance has gone from the (core of the) heart to the pericardium after that it is of no use to acknowledge (one's sin).
آن کمان و تیر اندر دست او ** گرگ را جویان همه شب سو بسو645
(With) the bow and arrow in his hand, he (was) seeking the wolf all night to and fro.
گرگ بر وی خود مسلط چون شرر ** گرگ جویان و ز گرگ او بیخبر
The wolf, in sooth, was given power over him, like sparks of fire: (he was) seeking the wolf (outside), and (was) unaware of the wolf (within himself).
هر پشه هر کیک چون گرگی شده ** اندر آن ویرانهشان زخمی زده
Every gnat, every flea, had become as a wolf and inflicted a wound upon them in that ruined place.
فرصت آن پشه راندن هم نبود ** از نهیب حملهی گرگ عنود
There was no opportunity even of driving away those gnats, because of (their) dread of an attack by the contumacious wolf,
تا نباید گرگ آسیبی زند ** روستایی ریش خواجه بر کند
Lest the wolf should inflict some damage, (and then) the countryman would tear out the Khwája's beard.
این چنین دندانکنان تا نیمشب ** جانشان از ناف میآمد به لب650
In this wise (they were) gnashing their teeth till midnight: their souls were coming (up) from the navel to the lip.
ناگهان تمثال گرگ هشتهای ** سر بر آورد از فراز پشتهای
Suddenly the figure of a deserted (solitary) wolf raised its head (appeared) from the top of a hillock.
تیر را بگشاد آن خواجه ز شست ** زد بر آن حیوان که تا افتاد پست
The Khwája loosed the arrow from the thumbstall and shot at the animal, so that it fell to the ground.
اندر افتادن ز حیوان باد جست ** روستایی های کرد و کوفت دست
In falling, wind escaped from the animal: the countryman uttered a wail and beat his hands,
ناجوامردا که خرکرهی منست ** گفت نه این گرگ چون آهرمنست
(Crying), “O ungenerous (wretch), it is my ass-colt!” “Nay,” said he, “this is the devilish wolf.
اندرو اشکال گرگی ظاهرست ** شکل او از گرگی او مخبرست655
The features of wolfishness are apparent in it; its form makes (one) acquainted with its wolfishness.”
گفت نه بادی که جست از فرج وی ** میشناسم همچنانک آبی ز می
“Nay,” he said, “I know the wind that escaped from its arse as well as (I know) water from wine.
کشتهای خرکرهام را در ریاض ** که مبادت بسط هرگز ز انقباض
Thou hast killed my ass-colt in the meadows—mayst thou never be released from anguish!”