For to those captives there was naught but farness (from Pharaoh's presence): the sight of Pharaoh was not permitted (to them).
گر فتادندی به ره در پیش او ** بهر آن یاسه بخفتندی برو850
If they fell in with him on the road, they would lie (flat) on their faces on account of the law.
یاسه این بد که نبیند هیچ اسیر ** در گه و بیگه لقای آن امیر
The law was this: no captive in or out of season shall behold the countenance of that Prince,
بانگ چاووشان چو در ره بشنود ** تا ببیند رو به دیواری کند
And whenever on the road he hears the shout of the (royal) beadles, he shall turn his face towards a wall, that he may not see;
ور ببیند روی او مجرم بود ** آنچ بتر بر سر او آن رود
And if he see his face, he shall be guilty of a crime, and the worst punishment shall befall him.
بودشان حرص لقای ممتنع ** چون حریصست آدمی فیما منع
They (the Israelites) had a greed for the inaccessible countenance, since Man is greedy for that which has been forbidden.
به میدان خواندن بنی اسرائیل برای حیلهی ولادت موسی علیه السلام
How they summoned the Israelites to the maydán, as a device to prevent the begetting ofMoses, on whom be peace.
ای اسیران سوی میدانگه روید ** کز شهانشه دیدن و جودست امید855
“O captives, go ye to the maydán, for there is hope (for you) of seeing (Pharaoh) and (experiencing) munificence from the King of kings.”
چون شنیدند مژده اسرائیلیان ** تشنگان بودند و بس مشتاق آن
When the Israelites heard the glad news, they were thirsting and longing exceedingly for that (spectacle).
حیله را خوردند و آن سو تاختند ** خویشتن را بهر جلوه ساختند
They swallowed the trick and hastened in that direction and made themselves ready for the (promised) unveiling.
همچنان کاینجا مغول حیلهدان ** گفت میجویم کسی از مصریان
(’Twas) even as (when) here the crafty Moghul said, “I am seeking a certain one of the Egyptians.
مصریان را جمع آرید این طرف ** تا در آید آنک میباید بکف
Bring the Egyptians together on this side, in order that he who is wanted may come to hand.”
هر که میآمد بگفتا نیست این ** هین در آ خواجه در آن گوشه نشین860
Whenever any one came, he said, “’Tis not this one: oh, come in, sir, and sit in that corner,”
تا بدین شیوه همه جمع آمدند ** گردن ایشان بدین حیلت زدند
Till in this fashion they all were assembled, and they (the Moghuls) beheaded them by means of this trick.
شومی آنک سوی بانگ نماز ** داعی الله را نبردندی نیاز
(Through) the ill-starredness (which they incurred in consequence) of the fact that they would not obey God's summoner (and turn submissively) towards the call to prayer,
دعوت مکارشان اندر کشید ** الحذر از مکر شیطان ای رشید
The invitation of the deceiver inveigled them. O righteous man, beware of the deceit of the Devil!
بانگ درویشان و محتاجان بنوش ** تا نگیرد بانگ محتالیت گوش
Hearken to the cry of the poor and needy, lest thine ear receive (with approval) the cry of a cunning rogue.