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  • جمله عالم را مسخر کرده تو ** کار را با بخت چون زر کرده تو
  • Thou hast made the whole world subject (to thy sway); thou, (attended) by fortune, hast made thy estate (brilliant) as gold.
  • از مشارق وز مغارب بی‌لجاج ** سوی تو آرند سلطانان خراج
  • From all parts of the East and West sultans, without (raising); opposition, bring tribute to thee.
  • پادشاهان لب همی مالند شاد ** بر ستانه‌ی خاک تو این کیقباد
  • Kings are rubbing their lips joyfully on the dust of thy thresh old, O mighty emperor.
  • اسپ یاغی چون ببیند اسپ ما ** رو بگرداند گریزد بی عصا
  • When the enemy’s horse sees our horse, it turns its face and flees without flogging’.
  • تاکنون معبود و مسجود جهان ** بوده‌ای گردی کمینه‌ی بندگان 2730
  • Hitherto thou hast been worshipped and adored by the (whole) world: (now) thou wilt become the meanest of slaves.
  • در هزار آتش شدن زین خوشترست ** که خداوندی شود بنده‌پرست
  • To go into a thousand fires is better than this, that a lord should become the servant of a slave.
  • نه بکش اول مرا ای شاه چین ** تا نبیند چشم من بر شاه این
  • Nay, kill me first, O king of China, that mine eye may not be hold this (servility) in the king.
  • خسروا اول مرا گردن بزن ** تا نبیند این مذلت چشم من
  • O emperor, behead me first, that mine eye may not behold this ignominy.
  • خود نبودست و مبادا این چنین ** که زمین گردون شود گردون زمین
  • Truly never has there been—and never may there be!—such a thing as this, that the earth should become the sky, and the sky become the earth;
  • بندگان‌مان خواجه‌تاش ما شوند ** بی‌دلان‌مان دلخراش ما شوند 2735
  • (That) our slaves should become our fellow-servants, (and that) our timorous ones should become those who (cruelly) wound our hearts;
  • چشم‌روشن دشمنان و دوست کور ** گشت ما را پس گلستان قعر گور
  • (That our) enemies (should be) bright-eyed and (our) friends blind: then (in that case) the rose-garden has become for us (like) the bottom of the tomb.”
  • تزییف سخن هامان علیه‌اللعنه
  • Showing the falsity of Hámán’s speech— the curse (of God) be upon him!
  • دوست از دشمن همی نشناخت او ** نرد را کورانه کژ می‌باخت او
  • He did not know friend from enemy: he was playing back gammon (all) wrong, like a blind man.
  • دشمن تو جز تو نبود این لعین ** بی‌گناهان را مگو دشمن به کین
  • Thy enemy is none but thyself, O accursed one: do not despitefully call the innocent (thy) enemies.
  • پیش تو این حالت بد دولتست ** که دوادو اول و آخر لتست
  • In thy sight this evil state (in which thou art) is dawlat (worldly fortune), whereof the beginning is dawádaw (running to and fro) and the end lat (blows).
  • گر ازین دولت نتازی خز خزان ** این بهارت را همی آید خزان 2740
  • If by degrees thou do not run away from this worldly fortune, autumn will come o’er this spring of thine.
  • مشرق و مغرب چو تو بس دیده‌اند ** که سر ایشان ز تن ببریده‌اند
  • East and West have seen many like thee, whose heads have been severed from their bodies.
  • مشرق و مغرب که نبود بر قرار ** چون کنند آخر کسی را پایدار
  • After all, how should East and West, which are not permanent, make any one enduring?
  • تو بدان فخر آوری کز ترس و بند ** چاپلوست گشت مردم روز چند
  • Thou takest pride in the fact that men, from fear and bondage, have become thy flatterers for a few days.
  • هر کرا مردم سجودی می‌کنند ** زهر اندر جان او می‌آکنند
  • When men bow in adoration to any one, they are (really) cramming poison into his soul.
  • چونک بر گردد ازو آن ساجدش ** داند او کان زهر بود و موبدش 2745
  • When his adorer turns away from him, he knows that that (adoration) was poisonous and destructive to him.
  • ای خنک آن را که ذلت نفسه ** وای آنک از سرکشی شد چون که او
  • Oh, blest is he whose carnal soul was abased! Alas who became like a mountain from arrogance
  • این تکبر زهر قاتل دان که هست ** از می پر زهر شد آن گیج مست
  • Know that this pride is a killing poison: that fool toxicated by the poisonous wine.
  • چون می پر زهر نوشد مدبری ** از طرب یکدم بجنباند سری
  • When an unhappy wretch drinks the poisonous wine, his head in delight for one moment.
  • بعد یک‌دم زهر بر جانش فتد ** زهر در جانش کند داد و ستد
  • After one moment the poison falls on his spirit the poison exercises (complete) sway over his spirit.
  • گر نذاری زهری‌اش را اعتقاد ** کو چه زهر آمد نگر در قوم عاد 2750
  • If you have not firm belief in its being poisonous (and do not know) what (a deadly) poison it is, look at the people of ‘Ád.