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  • گر شدم در راه حرمت راه‌زن ** آمدم ای مه به شمشیر و کفن 315
  • If I have sought to rob thee of thy honour I come, O Moon (of beauty), with sword and winding-sheet.
  • جز به دست خود مبرم پا و سر ** که ازین دستم نه از دست دگر
  • Do not cut off my feet and head save with thine own hand, for I belong to this hand, not to another hand.
  • از جدایی باز می‌رانی سخن ** هر چه خواهی کن ولیکن این مکن
  • Thou art talking again of separation: do whatsoever thou wilt, but do not this!”
  • در سخن آباد این دم راه شد ** گفت امکان نیست چون بیگاه شد
  • The way is now made (open for entering) into the realm of Discourse (Exposition); (but) ‘tis impossible to speak (on the subject), since there is no time (to do so at present).
  • پوستها گفتیم و مغز آمد دفین ** گر بمانیم این نماند همچنین
  • We have told the husks (externals), but the kernel (the inner meaning) is buried; if we remain (alive), this will not remain (concealed) as it is now.
  • رد کردن معشوقه عذر عاشق را و تلبیس او را در روی او مالیدن
  • How the beloved rejected the excuses of the lover and rubbed his duplicity into him.
  • در جوابش بر گشاد آن یار لب ** کز سوی ما روز سوی تست شب 320
  • The loved one opened her lips to answer him, saying, “On my side it is day, and on thy side it is night.
  • حیله‌های تیره اندر داوری ** پیش بینایان چرا می‌آوری
  • Why in contention dost thou bring forward dark evasions be fore those who see (the truth plainly)?
  • هر چه در دل داری از مکر و رموز ** پیش ما رسواست و پیدا هم‌چو روز
  • To us, all the deceit and dissimulations that thou hast in thy heart are manifest and clear as day.
  • گر بپوشیمش ز بنده‌پروری ** تو چرا بی‌رویی از حد می‌بری
  • If we, in kindness to our servant, cover it up, why dost thou carry shamelessness beyond the limit?
  • از پدر آموز که آدم در گناه ** خوش فرود آمد به سوی پایگاه
  • Learn from thy Father; for in (the hour of) sin Adam came down willingly to the vestibule
  • چون بدید آن عالم الاسرار را ** بر دو پا استاد استغفار را 325
  • When he beheld that Knower of secrets, he stood up on his feet to ask forgiveness.
  • بر سر خاکستر انده نشست ** از بهانه شاخ تا شاخی نجست
  • He seated himself on the ashes of contrition: he did not jump from one branch of idle pleading to another
  • ربنا انا ظلمنا گفت و بس ** چونک جانداران بدید از پیش و پس
  • He said only, ‘O Lord, verily we have done wrong,’ when he saw the (angelic) life-guards in front and behind.
  • دید جانداران پنهان هم‌چو جان ** دورباش هر یکی تا آسمان
  • He saw the life-guards who are invisible, as the spirit is—each one’s mace (reaching) to the sky—-
  • که هلا پیش سلیمان مور باش ** تا بنشکافد ترا این دورباش
  • Saying, ‘Hola! be (as) the ant before Solomon, lest this mace cleave thee asunder.
  • جز مقام راستی یک دم مه‌ایست ** هیچ لالا مرد را چون چشم نیست 330
  • Do not for one moment stand (anywhere) but in the place of truth: a man hath no guardian like the (seeing) eye.
  • کور اگر از پند پالوده شود ** هر دمی او باز آلوده شود
  • (Even) if the blind man be purified by admonition, he continually becomes polluted again.
  • آدما تو نیستی کور از نظر ** لیک اذا جاء القضا عمی البصر
  • O Adam, thou art not blind of vision, but when the Divine destiny comes, the sight becomes blind.’”
  • عمرها باید به نادر گاه‌گاه ** تا که بینا از قضا افتد به چاه
  • Lifetimes are needed—(so) rarely and occasionally (does it happen)—for the seeing man to fall by destiny into the pit.
  • کور را خود این قضا همراه اوست ** که مرورا اوفتادن طبع و خوست
  • As regards the blind man, this destiny in sooth is his companion on the way; for ‘tis his nature and disposition to fall.
  • در حدث افتد نداند بوی چیست ** از منست این بوی یا ز آلودگیست 335
  • He falls into the filth and does not know what the smell is; (he asks himself), “Is this smell from me or from (my) being polluted?”
  • ور کسی بر وی کند مشکی نثار ** هم ز خود داند نه از احسان یار
  • And likewise, if any one sprinkle some musk over him, he thinks it (comes) from himself and not from the kindness of his friend.
  • پس دو چشم روشن ای صاحب‌نظر ** مر ترا صد مادرست و صد پدر
  • Therefore to you, O man of vision, two clear eyes are (as) a hundred mothers and a hundred fathers;
  • خاصه چشم دل آن هفتاد توست ** وین دو چشم حس خوشه‌چین اوست
  • Especially the eye of the heart (the spiritual eye), which is seventy-fold and of which these two sensible eyes are (only) the gleaners.
  • ای دریغا ره‌زنان بنشسته‌اند ** صد گره زیر زبانم بسته‌اند
  • Oh, alas, the highwaymen are seated (and lying in wait for me): they have tied a hundred knots beneath my tongue.