بلک طبعا خصم جان آدمیست ** از هلاک آدمی در خرمیست 2605
Nay, but he is naturally the adversary of the human soul and rejoices at the destruction of Man;
از پی هر آدمی او نسکلد ** خو و طبع زشت خود او کی هلد
He never breaks off his pursuit of any human being: how should he abandon his wicked disposition and nature?
زانک خبث ذات او بیموجبی ** هست سوی ظلم و عدوان جاذبی
For, without any cause, his essential malignity pulls him on to (commit) injustice and tyranny.
هر زمان خواند ترا تا خرگهی ** که در اندازد ترا اندر چهی
He continually invites thee to a spacious tent in order that he may cast thee into a pit,
که فلان جا حوض آبست و عیون ** تا در اندازد به حوضت سرنگون
Saying, “In such and such a place there is a tank of water and (many) fountains,” that he may cast thee headlong into the tank.
آدمی را با همه وحی و نظر ** اندر افکند آن لعین در شور و شر 2610
That accursed one caused an Adam, notwithstanding all his inspiration and insight, to fall into woe and bane,
بیگناهی بیگزند سابقی ** که رسد او را ز آدم ناحقی
Without any sin (having been committed against him) and without any previous harm having been wrongfully done to him by Adam.
گفت روبه آن طلسم سحر بود ** که ترا در چشم آن شیری نمود
The fox replied, “It was a spell of magic that appeared in your eyes as a lion;
ورنه من از تو به تن مسکینترم ** که شب و روز اندر آنجا میچرم
Else I am more puny in body than you, and I always feed there by night and day.
گرنه زان گونه طلسمی ساختی ** هر شکمخواری بدانجا تاختی
If he (the magician) had not wrought a spell of that kind, every famishing (animal) would have run thither.
یک جهان بینوا پر پیل و ارج ** بیطلسمی کی بماندی سبز مرج 2615
(In) a foodless world full of elephants and rhinoceroses how should the meadow have remained verdant without (the protection of) a spell?
من ترا خود خواستم گفتن به درس ** که چنان هولی اگر بینی مترس
Truly, I meant to tell you, by way of instruction, not to be afraid if you should see a terrible thing like that;
لیک رفت از یاد علم آموزیت ** که بدم مستغرق دلسوزیت
But I forgot to impart (this) knowledge to you, because I was overwhelmed with grief and pity on your account.
دیدمت در جوع کلب و بینوا ** میشتابیدم که آیی تا دوا
I saw you were ravenously hungry and without food, (therefore) I was making haste so that you might attain to the remedy;
ورنه با تو گفتمی شرح طلسم ** که آن خیالی مینماید نیست جسم
Otherwise I would have explained the spell to you: it (the lion) presents itself as an apparition, it is not a (real) body.”
جواب گفتن خر روباه را
The reply of the ass to the fox.
گفت رو رو هین ز پیشم ای عدو ** تا نبینم روی تو ای زشترو 2620
“Hark,” cried the ass, “begone, begone from my presence, O enemy, that I may not see your face, O ugly one!
آن خدایی که ترا بدبخت کرد ** روی زشتت را کریه و سخت کرد
That God who made you ill-fated hath made your ugly face detestable and impudent.
با کدامین روی میآیی به من ** این چنین سغری ندارد کرگدن
With what face do you come to me? The rhinoceros has not such a hard skin (as you have).
رفتهای در خون جانم آشکار ** که ترا من رهبرم تا مرغزار
You manifestly attempted to shed my life-blood, saying, ‘I will guide you to the meadow,’
تا بدیدم روی عزرائیل را ** باز آوردی فن و تسویل را
So that I beheld the face of Azrael; (now) again you have brought cunning and plausible suggestion (to bear on me).
گرچه من ننگ خرانم یا خرم ** جانورم جان دارم این را کی خرم 2625
Though I am a disgrace to the asses or an ass (myself), (yet) I am possessed of life, I have a vital spirit: how should I purchase (accept and believe) this (palaver)?
آنچ من دیدم ز هول بیامان ** طفل دیدی پیر گشتی در زمان
If a child had seen the pitiless horror that I saw, it would instantly have become old.
بیدل و جان از نهیب آن شکوه ** سرنگون خود را در افکندم ز کوه
Deprived of heart and soul by dread of that awful object, I threw myself headlong from the mountain.
بسته شد پایم در آن دم از نهیب ** چون بدیدم آن عذاب بیحجاب
My legs were tied (paralysed) by terror as soon as I perceived that (cruel) torment without (any) barrier (between it and me).
عهد کردم با خدا کای ذوالمنن ** برگشا زین بستگی تو پای من
I made a promise to God, crying, ‘O gracious One, do Thou loose my legs from this bondage,