پس از آن یاری که اومید شماست ** از جواب نامه ره خالی چراست
- Why, then, is the way devoid of (any) answer to (your) letter from the Friend who is (the object of) your hope?
صد نشانست از سرار و از جهار ** لیک بس کن پرده زین در بر مدار
- There are a hundred signs (of response), (both) secret and manifest; but desist, do not lift the curtain from this door.
باز رو تا قصهی آن دلق گول ** که بلا بر خویش آورد از فضول
- Return to the story of that foolish Dalqak who brought tribulation on himself by his silly meddling.
پس وزیرش گفت ای حق را ستن ** بشنو از بندهی کمینه یک سخن
- Afterwards the vizier said to him (the king), “O Pillar of the Truth, hear a word from thy humble slave.
دلقک از ده بهر کاری آمدست ** رای او گشت و پشیمانش شدست 2560
- Dalqak came from the country on some (wicked) enterprise; (but now) his mind is changed and he has repented.
ز آب و روغن کهنه را نو میکند ** او به مسخرگی برونشو میکند
- He is making the old (corruption) new with water and oil (varnish), he is evading (punishment) by means of buffoonery.
غمد را بنمود و پنهان کرد تیغ ** باید افشردن مرورا بیدریغ
- He has displayed the scabbard and concealed the sword: he must be tortured without mercy.
پسته را یا جوز را تا نشکنی ** نی نماید دل نی بدهد روغنی
- Unless you break the pistachio or walnut, it will neither reveal its heart (kernel) nor give any oil.
مشنو این دفع وی و فرهنگ او ** در نگر در ارتعاش و رنگ او
- Do not listen to this skilful defence of his; look at his trembling and his (pallid) colour.
گفت حق سیماهم فی وجههم ** زانک غمازست سیما و منم 2565
- God hath said, ‘Their mark is on their faces,’ for the mark is an informer and tell-tale.
این معاین هست ضد آن خبر ** که بشر به سرشته آمد این بشر
- This ocular evidence is opposed to that story (told by Dalqak), for this (whole race of) mankind are moulded of evil.”
گفت دلقک با فغان و با خروش ** صاحبا در خون این مسکین مکوش
- “O Sáhib,” cried Dalqak, wailing and sobbing, “do not endeavour to shed the blood of this miserable wretch.
بس گمان و وهم آید در ضمیر ** کان نباشد حق و صادق ای امیر
- Many a thought and fancy that is not real and true comes into the mind, O Prince.
ان بعض الظن اثم است ای وزیر ** نیست استم راست خاصه بر فقیر
- Verily, some suspicion is a sin, O Vizier: injustice is not right, especially (when it is done) to a poor man.
شه نگیرد آنک میرنجاندش ** از چه گیرد آنک میخنداندش 2570
- The king does not chastise one who vexes him: wherefore should he chastise one who makes him laugh?”
گفت صاحب پیش شه جاگیر شد ** کاشف این مکر و این تزویر شد
- The words of the Sáhib (vizier) impressed the king, and he resolved to clear up this deceit and imposture.
گفت دلقک را سوی زندان برید ** چاپلوس و زرق او را کم خرید
- “Take Dalqak to prison,” he said, “and pay no attention to his wheedling and hypocrisy.
میزنیدش چون دهل اشکمتهی ** تا دهلوار او دهدمان آگهی
- Beat him, empty-bellied like a drum (as he is), that like a drum he may give us information.
تر و خشک و پر و تی باشد دهل ** بانگ او آگه کند ما را ز کل
- (Whether) the drum is wet or dry or full or empty, its sound informs us of everything.
تا بگوید سر خود از اضطرار ** آنچنان که گیرد این دلها قرار 2575
- (Beat him) in order that he may be compelled to declare the secret, so that these (apprehensive) hearts will be reassured.
چون طمانینست صدق و با فروغ ** دل نیارامد به گفتار دروغ
- Since the shining truth is (a cause of) tranquillity, the heart will not be calmed by lying words.
کذب چون خس باشد و دل چون دهان ** خس نگردد در دهان هرگز نهان
- Falsehood is like a (piece of stick or) straw, and the heart like a mouth: a straw never becomes (quietly) hidden in the mouth.
تا درو باشد زبانی میزند ** تا به دانش از دهان بیرون کند
- So long as it is there, he (who is annoyed by it) keeps moving his tongue, in order that thereby he may eject it from his mouth.
خاصه که در چشم افتد خس ز باد ** چشم افتد در نم و بند و گشاد
- Especially, when a straw (blown) by the wind falls into the eye, the eye begins to water and shut and open.
ما پس این خس را زنیم اکنون لگد ** تا دهان و چشم ازین خس وا رهد 2580
- We, therefore, now kick (out) this (man of) straw, in order that our mouth and eye may be delivered from (the disquiet caused by) this straw.”