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  • پس به معنی باغ باشد این نه آب  ** پس مشو عریان چو بلقیس از حباب 
  • Therefore this (Water) is really an orchard, not water: do not, then, like Bilqís, strip yourself from (fear of being splashed by) the waves.
  • بار گوناگونست بر پشت خران  ** هین به یک چون این خران را تو مران  3240
  • Diverse loads are (laid) upon the backs of asses: do not drive (all) these asses with one (and the same) stick.
  • بر یکی خر بار لعل و گوهرست  ** بر یکی خر بار سنگ و مرمرست 
  • One ass is laden with rubies and pearls, another with (common) stones and marble.
  • بر همه جوها تو این حکمت مران  ** اندرین جو ماه بین عکسش مخوان 
  • Do not apply this (uniform) principle to all rivers; in this River behold the Moon (itself), and do not call it a (mere) reflexion.
  • آب خضرست این نه آب دام و دد  ** هر چه اندر روی نماید حق بود 
  • This is the Water of Khizr, not the water drunk by herbivorous animals and beasts of prey: everything that appears in it is Real.
  • زین تگ جو ماه گوید من مهم  ** من نه عکسم هم‌حدیث و هم‌رهم 
  • From the bottom of this River the Moon cries, “I am the Moon, I am not a reflexion: I am conversing and travelling with (the River).
  • اندرین جو آنچ بر بالاست هست  ** خواه بالا خواه در وی دار دست  3245
  • That which is (in the world) above is in this River: take possession of it either (in the world) above or in that (River) as you please.
  • از دگر جوها مگیر این جوی را  ** ماه دان این پرتو مه‌روی را 
  • Do not assume this River to be of (the same class as) other rivers: know that this ray of the moon-faced (Beauty) is the Moon (itself).
  • این سخن پایان ندارد آن غریب  ** بس گریست از درد خواجه شد کیب 
  • This topic is endless. The poor stranger wept exceedingly: he was heart-broken by grief for (the death of) the Khwája.
  • توزیع کردن پای‌مرد در جمله‌ی شهر تبریز و جمع شدن اندک چیز و رفتن آن غریب به تربت محتسب به زیارت و این قصه را بر سر گور او گفتن به طریق نوحه الی آخره 
  • How the (Inspector's) bailiff sought subscriptions in all parts of the city of Tabríz, and how (only) a small amount was collected, and how the poor stranger went to visit the Inspector's tomb and related this (pitiful) tale on his grave by the method of concentrating the mind on prayer (for his help), etc.
  • واقعه‌ی آن وام او مشهور شد  ** پای مرد از درد او رنجور شد 
  • The calamity of his debts became notorious, and the bailiff was distressed by his grief.
  • از پی توزیع گرد شهر گشت  ** از طمع می‌گفت هر جا سرگذشت 
  • He (the bailiff) went round the city to collect subscriptions and everywhere, in hope (of exciting compassion), he told all that had happened;
  • هیچ ناورد از ره کدیه به دست  ** غیر صد دینار آن کدیه‌پرست  3250
  • (But) that devoted beggar obtained by means of begging no more than a hundred dinars.
  • پای مرد آمد بدو دستش گرفت  ** شد بگور آن کریم بس شگفت 
  • (Then) the bailiff came to him and took his hand and went (with him) to (visit) the grave of that very wonderful generous man.
  • گفت چون توفیق یابد بنده‌ای  ** که کند مهمانی فرخنده‌ای 
  • He said, “When a servant (of God) gains the Divine favour so that he entertains a fortunate man,
  • مال خود ایثار راه او کند  ** جاه خود ایثار جاه او کند 
  • And gives up his own wealth for his sake and sacrifices his own dignity for the sake of (conferring) dignity on him,
  • شکر او شکر خدا باشد یقین  ** چون به احسان کرد توفیقش قرین 
  • Gratitude to him (the benefactor) is certainly (the same as) gratitude to God, since (it was) the Divine favour (that) caused him to show beneficence.
  • ترک شکرش ترک شکر حق بود  ** حق او لا شک به حق ملحق بود  3255
  • To be ungrateful to him is to be ungrateful to God: beyond doubt his right (to gratitude) is consequent on (that of) God.
  • شکر می‌کن مر خدا را در نعم  ** نیز می‌کن شکر و ذکر خواجه هم 
  • Always give thanks to God for His bounties, and always give thanks and praise to the Khwája (your benefactor) too.
  • رحمت مادر اگر چه از خداست  ** خدمت او هم فریضه‌ست و سزاست 
  • Though a mother's tenderness is (derived) from God, (yet) ’tis a sacred duty and a worthy task to serve her.
  • زین سبب فرمود حق صلوا علیه  ** که محمد بود محتال الیه 
  • For this reason God hath said, ‘Do ye bless him (the Prophet),’ for Mohammed was one to whom (the attributes of Divine Providence) were transferred.
  • در قیامت بنده را گوید خدا  ** هین چه کردی آنچ دادم من ترا 
  • At the Resurrection God will say to His servant, ‘Hark, what have you done with that which I bestowed on you?’
  • گوید ای رب شکر تو کردم به جان  ** چون ز تو بود اصل آن روزی و نان  3260
  • He will reply, ‘O Lord, I gave thanks to Thee with (all) my soul, since the source of my daily provision and bread was in Thee.’
  • گویدش حق نه نکردی شکر من  ** چون نکردی شکر آن اکرام‌فن 
  • (Then) God will say to him, ‘Nay, you did not give thanks to Me, inasmuch as you did not give thanks to him who made a practice of generosity.
  • بر کریمی کرده‌ای ظلم و ستم  ** نه ز دست او رسیدت نعمتم 
  • You have done wrong and injustice to a generous man: did not My bounty come to you by his hand?’”
  • چون به گور آن ولی‌نعمت رسید  ** گشت گریان زار و آمد در نشید 
  • When he (the debtor) arrived at the tomb of his benefactor, he began to weep bitterly and broke into loud lamentation.