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  • باز از یادش رود توبه و انین  ** کاوهن الرحمن کید الکاذبین 
  • (Then) again his repentance and moaning go out of his memory, for God hath made the stratagems of the liars to be feeble.
  • در عموم تاویل این آیت کی کلما اوقدوا نارا للحرب 
  • Concerning the interpretation, in a general sense, of the Verse: “as often as they kindle a fire for war.”
  • کلما هم اوقدوا نار الوغی  ** اطفاء الله نارهم حتی انطفا 
  • As often as they kindle the fire of (spiritual) warfare, God quenches their fire so that it is put out (entirely).
  • عزم کرده که دلا آنجا مه‌ایست  ** گشته ناسی زانک اهل عزم نیست 
  • He (such an one) makes a resolution, saying, “O (my) heart, do not stay there!” (but soon) he becomes forgetful, for he is not (really) resolute.
  • چون نبودش تخم صدقی کاشته  ** حق برو نسیان آن بگماشته  355
  • Since there was no seed of sincerity sown by him, God has caused him to forget that (resolution).
  • گرچه بر آتش‌زنه‌ی دل می‌زند  ** آن ستاره‌ش را کف حق می‌کشد 
  • Though he strikes the match of his heart, the Hand of God is always extinguishing the star (spark).
  • قصه‌ای هم در تقریر این 
  • A Story in further exposition of this.
  • شرفه‌ای بشنید در شب معتمد  ** برگرفت آتش‌زنه که آتش زند 
  • A man of trust heard a sound of footsteps (in his house) during the night: he took up the fire-lighter to strike a flame.
  • دزد آمد آن زمان پیشش نشست  ** چون گرفت آن سوخته می‌کرد پست 
  • At that (same) moment the thief came and sat down beside him, and whenever the tinder caught (fire) he put it out,
  • می‌نهاد آنجا سر انگشت را  ** تا شود استاره‌ی آتش فنا 
  • Laying the tip of his finger on the place, in order that the fiery star (spark) might vanish.
  • خواجه می‌پنداشت کز خود می‌مرد  ** این نمی‌دید او که دزدش می‌کشد  360
  • The Khwája thought it was dying of itself: he didn't see that the thief was extinguishing it.
  • خواجه گفت این سوخته نمناک بود  ** می‌مرد استاره از تریش زود 
  • The Khwája said, “This tinder was moist: on account of its wetness the star (spark) is dying at once.”
  • بس که ظلمت بود و تاریکی ز پیش  ** می‌ندید آتش‌کشی را پیش خویش 
  • As there was great mirk and darkness in front (of him), he didn't see a fire-extinguisher beside him.
  • این چنین آتش‌کشی اندر دلش  ** دیده‌ی کافر نبیند از عمش 
  • (So) the infidel's eye, because of (its) dimness, does not see a similar fire-extinguisher in his heart.
  • چون نمی‌داند دل داننده‌ای  ** هست با گردنده گرداننده‌ای 
  • How is the heart of any knowing person ignorant (that) with the moving (object) there is (necessarily) a mover?
  • چون نمی‌گویی که روز و شب به خود  ** بی‌خداوندی کی آید کی رود  365
  • Why don't you say (to yourself), “How should day and night come and go of themselves without a Lord?”
  • گرد معقولات می‌گردی ببین  ** این چنین بی‌عقلی خود ای مهین 
  • You are conversant with intelligibles; (but) see what a lack of intelligence is shown by you (in this matter), O despicable man!
  • خانه با بنا بود معقول‌تر  ** یا که بی‌بنا بگو ای کم‌هنر 
  • Is a house more intelligible with a builder or without a builder? Answer, O man of little knowledge!
  • خط با کاتب بود معقول‌تر  ** یا که بی‌کاتب بیندیش ای پسر 
  • Is writing more intelligible with a writer or without a writer? Think, O son!
  • جیم گوش و عین چشم و میم فم  ** چون بود بی‌کاتبی ای متهم 
  • How should the jím of the ear and the ‘ayn of the eye and the mím of the mouth be (formed) without a Writer, O suspect?
  • شمع روشن بی‌ز گیراننده‌ای  ** یا بگیراننده‌ی داننده‌ای  370
  • Is the bright (lighted) candle without one who lights it or with a skilful lighter?
  • صنعت خوب از کف شل ضریر  ** باشد اولی یا بگیرایی بصیر 
  • Is it more reasonable to expect good craftsmanship from the hand of one who is palsied and blind or from one who has control (of his hands) and can see?
  • پس چو دانستی که قهرت می‌کند  ** بر سرت دبوس محنت می‌زند 
  • Since, therefore, you have apprehended (the fact) that He (God) will overpower you and beat the mace of tribulation on your head,
  • پس بکن دفعش چو نمرودی به جنگ  ** سوی او کش در هوا تیری خدنگ 
  • Like a Nimrod, repel Him by war (if you can)! Launch an arrow of (hard) poplar-wood into the air against Him!
  • هم‌چو اسپاه مغل بر آسمان  ** تیر می‌انداز دفع نزع جان 
  • Like the Mongol soldiery, shoot an arrow at Heaven to prevent your soul being torn (from your body)!
  • یا گریز از وی اگر توانی برو  ** چون روی چون در کف اویی گرو  375
  • Or flee from Him, if you can, and go (your way); (but) how can you go, since you are a pawn in His hand?
  • در عدم بودی نرستی از کفش  ** از کف او چون رهی ای دست‌خوش 
  • (When) you were in non-existence, you did not escape from His hand: how will you escape from His hand (now), O helpless one?