خلق پندارند زر دارم درون ** داد واگیرند از من زین ظنون
- People think I keep gold in it, and because of these (false) opinions charity is withheld from me.
صورت صندوق بس زیباست لیک ** از عروض و سیم و ز خالیست نیک 4485
- The appearance of the chest is very pleasing, but it is quite empty of goods and silver and gold.
چون تن زراق خوب و با وقار ** اندر آن سله نیابی غیر مار
- (’Tis) like the person of a hypocrite, (one who is) handsome and dignified; (but) in the basket you will find nothing except a snake.
من برم صندوق را فردا به کو ** پس بسوزم در میان چارسو
- To-morrow I will take the chest into the street and burn it in the midst of the market at the cross-ways,
تا ببیند مومن و گبر و جهود ** که درین صندوق جز لعنت نبود
- That true believer and Zoroastrian and Jew may see there was nothing in this chest but (cause for) cursing.”
گفت زن هی در گذر ای مرد ازین ** خورد سوگندان که نکنم جز چنین
- “O husband,” cried the woman, “come now, give up this (idea)!” (However), he swore several times that he would do just as he had said.
از پگه حمال آورد او چو باد ** زود آن صندوق بر پشتش نهاد 4490
- Early (next morning) he (went) like the wind, fetched a porter, and immediately put the chest on his back.
اندر آن صندوق قاضی از نکال ** بانگ میزد که ای حمال و ای حمال
- (He set off with it, while) the cadi inside the chest shouted in an agony (of terror), “O porter! O porter!”
کرد آن حمال راست و چپ نظر ** کز چه سو در میرسد بانک و خبر
- The porter looked to the right and the left to see from what direction the shouts and warnings were coming.
هاتفست این داعی من ای عجب ** یا پریام میکند پنهان طلب
- “I wonder,” said he, “is it a hátif, this voice which is calling me, or is it a peri (jinní) summoning me mysteriously?”
چون پیاپی گشت آن آواز و بیش ** گفت هاتف نیست باز آمد به خویش
- When the shouts followed one another in succession and increased, he said, “’Tis not a hátif,” and recovered himself.
عاقبت دانست کان بانگ و فغان ** بد ز صندوق و کسی در وی نهان 4495
- At last he perceived that the shouts and cries for help came from the chest and that somebody was concealed in it.
عاشقی کو در غم معشوق رفت ** گر چه بیرونست در صندوق رفت
- The lover who has fallen passionately in love with an (earthly) object of affection has gone into the chest, though (in appearance) he is outside.
عمر در صندوق برد از اندهان ** جز که صندوقی نبیند از جهان
- He has spent (wasted) his life in the chest on account of (worldly) cares: he can see nothing of the world except a chest.
آن سری که نیست فوق آسمان ** از هوس او را در آن صندوق دان
- The head that is not (raised) above the sky—know that it is (confined) in that chest by its vain desires.
چون ز صندوق بدن بیرون رود ** او ز گوری سوی گوری میشود
- When he (such an one) goes forth from the chest of the body, he will (only) go from one tomb to another tomb.
این سخن پایان ندارد قاضیش ** گفت ای حمال و ای صندوقکش 4500
- This topic is endless. The cadi said to him, “O porter, O carrier of the chest,
از من آگه کن درون محکمه ** نایبم را زودتر با این همه
- Give news of me to my deputy at the court of justice and acquaint him with all (the details of) this (affair) as quickly as possible,
تا خرد این را به زر زین بیخرد ** همچنین بسته به خانهی ما برد
- In order that he may buy this (chest) with gold from this witless fellow and take it fastened, just as it is, to my house.”
ای خدا بگمار قومی روحمند ** تا ز صندوق بدنمان وا خرند
- O Lord, appoint a spiritually endowed company to redeem us from the chest of the body!
خلق را از بند صندوق فسون ** کی خرد جز انبیا و مرسلون
- Who but the prophets and apostles can redeem the people from confinement in the chest of guile?
از هزاران یک کسی خوشمنظرست ** که بداند کو به صندوق اندرست 4505
- Among thousands there is (only) one person of comely aspect, who knows that he is inside the chest.
او جهان را دیده باشد پیش از آن ** تا بدان ضد این ضدش گردد عیان
- He must formerly have beheld the (spiritual) world, so that by means of that contrary this contrary should be made evident to him.
زین سبب که علم ضالهی مومنست ** عارف ضالهی خودست و موقنست
- Because “knowledge is the true believer's lost camel,” he recognises his own lost camel and feels certain (that it is his).
آنک هرگز روز نیکو خود ندید ** او درین ادبار کی خواهد طپید
- (But) he that has never seen good fortune, how will he be perturbed in this calamity?