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  • ماه ما بی‌نطق خوش بر تافتست  ** هر زبان نطق از فر ما یافتست 
  • (Saying implicitly), “Our Moon hath shone brightly (upon us) without speech: every tongue hath derived its speech from our beauty.”
  • نطق عیسی از فر مریم بود  ** نطق آدم پرتو آن دم بود 
  • The speech of Jesus is (derived) from the (spiritual) beauty of Mary; the speech of Adam is a ray (reflexion) of the (Divine) Breath.
  • تا زیادت گردد از شکر ای ثقات  ** پس نبات دیگرست اندر نبات  4550
  • (This thanksgiving of the orchard is a lesson to you) in order that from (your) thanksgiving, O men of trust, increase (of spiritual glory) may accrue; (and if ye give thanks) then other plants are (springing up) amidst the herbage.
  • عکس آن اینجاست ذل من قنع  ** اندرین طورست عز من طمع 
  • Here the reverse (of the well-known Tradition) is (applicable), (for) he that is content (with a modicum of thanksgiving) shall be abased; (and similarly), in this case, he that covets (excess of thanksgiving) shall be exalted.
  • در جوال نفس خود چندین مرو  ** از خریداران خود غافل مشو 
  • Do not go so much into the sack of thy fleshly soul, do not be (so) forgetful of thy purchasers (redeemers).
  • باز آمدن زن جوحی به محکمه‌ی قاضی سال دوم بر امید وظیفه‌ی پارسال و شناختن قاضی او را الی اتمامه 
  • How next year Júhí's wife returned to the court of the cadi, hoping for the same contribution (of money) as last year, and how the cadi recognised her, and so on to the end of the story.
  • بعد سالی باز جوحی از محن  ** رو به زن کرد و بگفت ای چست زن 
  • After a year Júhí, in consequence of the afflictions (of poverty), turned to his wife and said, “O clever wife,
  • آن وظیفه‌ی پار را تجدید کن  ** پیش قاضی از گله‌ی من گو سخن 
  • Renew last year's contribution (to our household): complain of me to the cadi.”
  • زن بر قاضی در آمد با زنان  ** مر زنی را کرد آن زن ترجمان  4555
  • The wife came before the cadi with (some other) women: she made a certain woman her interpreter,
  • تا بنشناسد ز گفتن قاضیش  ** یاد ناید از بلای ماضیش 
  • Lest the cadi should recognise her by her speech and remember his past misfortune.
  • هست فتنه غمره‌ی غماز زن  ** لیک آن صدتو شود ز آواز زن 
  • The coquettish glances of a woman are fascinating, but that (fascination) is increased a hundredfold by her voice.
  • چون نمی‌توانست آوازی فراشت  ** غمزه‌ی تنهای زن سودی نداشت 
  • Since she durst not raise (utter) a sound, the wife's ogling looks alone were of no avail.
  • گفت قاضی رو تو خصمت را بیار  ** تا دهم کار ترا با او قرار 
  • “Go,” said the cadi, “and fetch the defendant, that I may settle thy quarrel with him.”
  • جوحی آمد قاضیش نشناخت زود  ** کو به وقت لقیه در صندوق بود  4560
  • (When) Júhí arrived, the cadi did not recognise him at once, for at (their first) meeting he was in the chest.
  • زو شنیده بود آواز از برون  ** در شری و بیع و در نقص و فزون 
  • He had (only) heard his voice outside, during the buying and selling and chaffering.
  • گفت نفقه‌ی زن چرا ندهی تمام  ** گفت از جان شرع را هستم غلام 
  • He said (to Júhí), “Why won't you give your wife all the money she needs for expenses?” He replied, “I am devoted with (heart and) soul to the religious law,
  • لیک اگر میرم ندارم من کفن  ** مفلس این لعبم و شش پنج زن 
  • But if I die I do not possess (enough to pay for) the shroud: I am bankrupt in this game, I have gambled everything away.”
  • زین سخن قاضی مگر بشناختش  ** یاد آورد آن دغل وان باختش 
  • From (hearing) these words the cadi, as it happened, recognised him and called to mind his roguery and the trick he had played.
  • گفت آن شش پنج با من باختی  ** پار اندر شش درم انداختی  4565
  • “You played that game with me,” he said: “last year you put me out of action.
  • نوبت من رفت امسال آن قمار  ** با دگر کس باز دست از من بدار 
  • My turn is past: this year try that gamble on some one else and keep your hands off me!”
  • از شش و از پنج عارف گشت فرد  ** محترز گشتست زین شش پنج نرد 
  • The knower of God has been isolated from the six (directions) and the five (senses): (necessarily, therefore), he has become on his guard against the sixes and fives of the backgammon (played by the World and the Devil).
  • رست او از پنج حس و شش جهت  ** از ورای آن همه کرد آگهت 
  • He has escaped from the five senses and the six directions: he has made you acquainted with (what lies) beyond all that.
  • شد اشاراتش اشارات ازل  ** جاوز الاوهام طرا و اعتزل 
  • His intimations are the intimations of Eternity: he has transcended all conceptions and withdrawn himself apart.
  • زین چه شش گوشه گر نبود برون  ** چون بر آرد یوسفی را از درون  4570
  • Unless he is outside of this hexagonal well, how should he bring up a Joseph from the inside (of it)?
  • واردی بالای چرخ بی ستن  ** جسم او چون دلو در چه چاره کن 
  • He is one who goes to draw water above the unpillared firmament, (while) his body, like a bucket, is (low down) in the well, helping (to rescue the fallen).
  • یوسفان چنگال در دلوش زده  ** رسته از چاه و شه مصری شده 
  • The Josephs cling to his bucket, escape from the well, and become kings of Egypt.