The prince that hath no strength in his beard is left sorely in the lurch when by reason of his folly he looks neither backwards nor forwards.
سخت درماند امیر سست ریش ** چون نه پس بیند نه پیش از احمقیش
The road is smooth, and under it are pitfalls: amidst the names there is a dearth of meaning.1060
راه هموار است و زیرش دامها ** قحط معنی در میان نامها
Words and names are like pitfalls: the sweet (flattering) word is the sand for (the sand that sucks up) the water of our life.
لفظها و نامها چون دامهاست ** لفظ شیرین ریگ آب عمر ماست
The one sand whence water gushes is seldom to be found: go, seek it.
آن یکی ریگی که جوشد آب ازو ** سخت کمیاب است رو آن را بجو
He that searches after wisdom becomes a fountain of wisdom; he becomes independent of acquisition and (ways and) means.
منبع حکمت شود حکمت طلب ** فارغ آید او ز تحصیل و سبب
The guarding tablet becomes a Guarded Tablet; his understanding becomes enriched by the Spirit.
لوح حافظ لوح محفوظی شود ** عقل او از روح محظوظی شود
When his understanding has been his teacher at the beginning, after this the understanding becomes his pupil.1065
چون معلم بود عقلش ز ابتدا ** بعد از این شد عقل شاگردی و را
The understanding says, like Gabriel, “O Ahmad (Mohammed), if I take one (more) step, it will burn me;
عقل چون جبریل گوید احمدا ** گر یکی گامی نهم سوزد مرا
Do thou leave me, henceforth advance (alone): this is my limit, O sultan of the soul!”
تو مرا بگذار زین پس پیش ران ** حد من این بود ای سلطان جان
Whoever, through heedlessness, remains without thanksgiving and patience (selfcontrol), knows (no resource) but this, that he should follow in the heels of necessity (jabr).
هر که ماند از کاهلی بیشکر و صبر ** او همین داند که گیرد پای جبر