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  • The wind in men is vanity and desire; when you have abandoned vanity, (then) is (the time for) the message from Him (God).
  • Sweet are the messages of the Maker, for it (that message) from head to foot (from first to last) is enduring.
  • The khutbas for kings change (and pass), and their empire; (all will pass) except the empire and khutbas (insignia) of the prophets,
  • Because the pomp of kings is from (earthly) vanity, (while) the glorious privilege of the prophets is from (Divine) Majesty.
  • The names of kings are removed from the dirhems, (but) the name of Ahmad (Mohammed) is stamped on them for ever. 1105
  • The name of Ahmad is the name of all the prophets: when the hundred comes (is counted), ninety is with us as well.
  • Further setting forth the stratagem of the hare.
  • The hare made much delay in going; he rehearsed to himself the tricks (which he was about to play).
  • After long delay he came on (took) the road, that he might say one or two secrets into the ear of the lion.
  • Think what words are in the core (inmost consciousness) of Reason.
  • In this sweet ocean our forms are moving fast, like cups on the surface of water: 1110