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  • Although the external sun is unique, still it is possible to imagine one resembling it; 120
  • شمس در خارج اگر چه هست فرد ** می‌‌توان هم مثل او تصویر کرد
  • But the Sun by which the aether was brought into existence hath no peer.
  • شمس جان کاو خارج آمد از اثیر ** نبودش در ذهن و در خارج نظیر
  • Where is room in the imagination for His essence, that the like of Him should come into the imagination?
  • در تصور ذات او را گنج کو ** تا در آید در تصور مثل او
  • When news arrived of the face of Shamsu’ddín (the Sun of the Religion), the sun of the fourth heaven drew in its head (hid itself for shame).
  • چون حدیث روی شمس الدین رسید ** شمس چارم آسمان سر در کشید
  • Since his name has come (to my lips), it behoves me to set forth some hint of his bounty.
  • واجب آید چون که آمد نام او ** شرح کردن رمزی از انعام او
  • At this moment my Soul has plucked my skirt: he has caught the perfume of Joseph's vest. 125
  • این نفس جان دامنم بر تافته ست ** بوی پیراهان یوسف یافته ست‌‌
  • (He said): “For the sake of our years of companionship, recount one of those sweet ecstasies,
  • از برای حق صحبت سالها ** باز گو حالی از آن خوش حالها
  • That earth and heaven may laugh (with joy), that intellect and spirit and eye may increase a hundredfold.”
  • تا زمین و آسمان خندان شود ** عقل و روح و دیده صد چندان شود
  • (I said): “Do not lay tasks on me, for I have passed away from myself (faná); my apprehensions are blunted and I know not how to praise.
  • لا تکلفنی فإنی فی الفنا ** کلت أفهامی فلا أحصی ثنا
  • Everything that is said by one who has not returned to consciousness, if he constrains himself or boastfully exaggerates, is unseemly.
  • کل شی‌‌ء قاله غیر المفیق ** إن تکلف أو تصلف لا یلیق‌‌