- To speak the same tongue is a kinship and affinity: a man, (when he is) with those in whom he cannot confide, is like a prisoner in chains. 1205
- هم زبانی خویشی و پیوندی است ** مرد با نامحرمان چون بندی است
- Oh, many are the Indians and Turks that speak the same tongue; oh, many the pair of Turks that are as strangers (to each other).
- ای بسا هندو و ترک هم زبان ** ای بسا دو ترک چون بیگانگان
- Therefore the tongue of mutual understanding is different indeed: to be one in heart is better than to be one in tongue.
- پس زبان محرمی خود دیگر است ** هم دلی از هم زبانی بهتر است
- Without speech and without sign or scroll, hundreds of thousands of interpreters arise from the heart.
- غیر نطق و غیر ایما و سجل ** صد هزاران ترجمان خیزد ز دل
- The birds, all and each, their secrets of skill and knowledge and practice
- جمله مرغان هر یکی اسرار خود ** از هنر وز دانش و از کار خود
- Were revealing, one by one, to Solomon, and were praising themselves by way of submitting a request (for his consideration), 1210
- با سلیمان یک به یک وامینمود ** از برای عرضه خود را میستود
- Not from pride and self-conceit, (but) in order that he might give them access to him.
- از تکبر نی و از هستی خویش ** بهر آن تا ره دهد او را به پیش
- When a captive wants a lord (to buy him as a slave), he offers a preface (summary account) of his talent;
- چون بباید بردهای را خواجهای ** عرضه دارد از هنر دیباجهای
- (But) when he is ashamed (disgusted) at his buying him, he makes himself out to be sick and deaf and palsied and lame.
- چون که دارد از خریداریش ننگ ** خود کند بیمار و کر و شل و لنگ
- The turn came for the hoopoe and his craft and the explanation of his skill and thoughtfulness.
- نوبت هدهد رسید و پیشهاش ** و آن بیان صنعت و اندیشهاش