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  • If he had always had this (keen) sight, how would not he have seen the snare beneath a handful of earth?
  • گر مر او را این نظر بودی مدام ** چون ندیدی زیر مشتی خاک دام‌‌
  • How would he have been caught in the snare? How would he have gone into the cage willy-nilly?”
  • چون گرفتار آمدی در دام او ** چون قفس اندر شدی ناکام او
  • Then Solomon said: “O hoopoe, is it right that these dregs have risen from thee at the first cup? 1225
  • پس سلیمان گفت ای هدهد رواست ** کز تو در اول قدح این درد خاست‌‌
  • O thou who hast drunk buttermilk, how dost thou pretend intoxication and brag in my presence and tell lies besides?”
  • چون نمایی مستی ای خورده تو دوغ ** پیش من لافی زنی آن گه دروغ‌‌
  • The hoopoe's answer to the attack of the crow.
  • جواب گفتن هدهد طعنه‌‌ی زاغ را
  • He said, “O king, for God's sake do not listen to the enemy's words against me, bare beggar as I am.
  • گفت ای شه بر من عور گدای ** قول دشمن مشنو از بهر خدای‌‌
  • If my claim is (made) with falsehood, I lay my head (before thee): sever this neck of mine.
  • گر به بطلان است دعوی کردنم ** من نهادم سر ببر این گردنم‌‌
  • The crow, who disbelieves in the (absolute) authority of the Divine destiny, is an infidel, though he have thousands of wits.
  • زاغ کاو حکم قضا را منکر است ** گر هزاران عقل دارد کافر است‌‌
  • Whilst there is in you a single k (derived) from the káfirán (infidels), you are the seat of stench and lust, velut rima femoris. [Whilst there is in you a single k (derived) from the káfirán (infidels), you are the seat of stench and lust, like the slit (vulva) between the thighs (of a woman).] 1230
  • در تو تا کافی بود از کافران ** جای گند و شهوتی چون کاف ران‌‌
  • I see the snare (when I am) in the air, if the Divine destiny do not muffle the eye of my intelligence.
  • من ببینم دام را اندر هوا ** گر نپوشد چشم عقلم را قضا
  • When the Divine destiny comes, wisdom goes to sleep, the moon becomes black, the sun is stopped (from shining).
  • چون قضا آید شود دانش به خواب ** مه سیه گردد بگیرد آفتاب‌‌