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  • If you bite him with your teeth and make him bleed, toothache will attack you—how will you do (then)?
  • گر بدندانش گزی پر خون کنی ** درد دندانت بگیرد چون کنی‌‌
  • The lion saw himself in the well, and in his fury he did not know himself at that moment from the enemy.
  • شیر خود را دید در چه وز غلو ** خویش را نشناخت آن دم از عدو
  • He regarded his own reflexion as his enemy: necessarily he drew a sword against himself.
  • عکس خود را او عدوی خویش دید ** لا جرم بر خویش شمشیری کشید
  • Oh, many an iniquity that you see in others is your own nature (reflected) in them, O reader!
  • ای بسا ظلمی که بینی از کسان ** خوی تو باشد در ایشان ای فلان‌‌
  • In them shone forth all that you are in your hypocrisy and iniquity and insolence. 1320
  • اندر ایشان تافته هستی تو ** از نفاق و ظلم و بد مستی تو
  • You are that (evil-doer), and you are striking those blows at yourself: you are weaving a curse upon yourself at that moment.
  • آن تویی و آن زخم بر خود می‌‌زنی ** بر خود آن دم تار لعنت می‌‌تنی‌‌
  • You do not see clearly the evil in yourself, else you would hate yourself with (all) your soul.
  • در خود آن بد را نمی‌‌بینی عیان ** ور نه دشمن بودیی خود را به جان‌‌
  • You are assaulting yourself, O simpleton, like the lion who made a rush at himself.
  • حمله بر خود می‌‌کنی ای ساده مرد ** همچو آن شیری که بر خود حمله کرد
  • When you reach the bottom of your own nature, then you will know that that vileness was from yourself.
  • چون به قعر خوی خود اندر رسی ** پس بدانی کز تو بود آن ناکسی‌‌
  • At the bottom (of the well) it became manifest to the lion that he who seemed to him to be another was (really) his own image. 1325
  • شیر را در قعر پیدا شد که بود ** نقش او آن کش دگر کس می‌‌نمود