- Outside (of the shell) it is a drop of water, small or great, (but) within the shell it is a small or big pearl.
- هست بیرون قطرهی خرد و بزرگ ** در صدف آن در خرد است و سترگ
- Those persons have the nature of the muskdeer's gland: externally they are (as) blood, while within them is the fragrance of musk. 1470
- طبع ناف آهو است آن قوم را ** از برون خون و درونشان مشکها
- Do not say, “This substance externally is blood: how should it become a musky perfume when it goes into the gland?”
- تو مگو کاین مایه بیرون خون بود ** چون رود در ناف مشکی چون شود
- Do not say, “This copper externally was despicable: how should it assume nobility in the heart (midst) of the elixir?”
- تو مگو کاین مس برون بد محتقر ** در دل اکسیر چون گیرد گهر
- In thee (the matter of) freewill and compulsion was a (mere) fancy, (but) when it went into them it became the light of (Divine) Majesty.
- اختیار و جبر در تو بد خیال ** چون در ایشان رفت شد نور جلال
- When bread is (wrapped) in the tablecloth it is the inanimate thing (so-called), (but) in the human body it becomes the glad spirit (of life).
- نان چو در سفره ست باشد آن جماد ** در تن مردم شود او روح شاد
- It does not become transmuted in the heart of (within) the table-cloth: the (animal) soul transmutes it with (the water of) Salsabíl. 1475
- در دل سفره نگردد مستحیل ** مستحیلش جان کند از سلسبیل
- O thou who readest aright, such is the power of the soul: what, then, must be the power of that Soul of soul?
- قوت جان است این ای راست خوان ** تا چه باشد قوت آن جان جان
- The piece of flesh which is Man, endowed witrh intelligence and soul, cleaves the mountain by means of sea (water-channel) and mine.
- گوشت پارهی آدمی با عقل و جان ** میشکافد کوه را با بحر و کان
- The strength of the mountain-riving soul is (shown in) the splitting of rocks; the strength of the Soul of soul in the moon was split asunder.
- زور جان کوه کن شق حجر ** زور جان جان در انشق القمر