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  • If the heart should open the lid of the wallet of (this) mystery, the soul would rush (in rapture) towards the highest heaven.
  • How Adam imputed that fault (which he had committed) to himself, saying, “O Lord, we have done wrong,” and how Iblís imputed his own sin to God, saying, “Because Thou hast seduced me.”
  • Consider both the action of God and our action. Regard our action as existent. This is manifest. 1480
  • If the action of created beings be not in the midst (obviously existent), then say not to any one, “Why have you acted thus?
  • The creative act of God brings our actions into existence: our actions are the effects of the creative act of God.
  • A rational being perceives either the letter (the outer sign) or the (inner) purpose (the spirit): how should he comprehend two accidents at once?
  • If he goes (turns his mind) to the spirit, he becomes unheedful of the letter: no eye sees forward and backward at the same moment.
  • At the time when you look in front, how at the same time can you look behind you? Recognise this. 1485
  • Inasmuch as the soul does not comprehend (both) the letter and the spirit, how should the soul be the creator of them both?
  • O son, (only) God comprehends all: the (one) action does not hinder Him from the other action.
  • Satan said Because Thou hast seduced me: the vile Devil concealed his own act.