- Since, in order to speak, one must first hear, do thou come to speech by the way of hearing.
- ز آن که اول سمع باید نطق را ** سوی منطق از ره سمع اندر آ
- And enter ye the houses by their doors, and seek ye the ends in their causes.
- ادخلوا الأبیات من أبوابها ** و اطلبوا الأغراض فی أسبابها
- There is no speech independent of the way of hearing except the speech of the Creator who is without want.
- نطق کان موقوف راه سمع نیست ** جز که نطق خالق بیطمع نیست
- He is the Originator, He follows no master; He is the support of all things, He hath no support, 1630
- مبدع است او تابع استاد نی ** مسند جمله و را اسناد نی
- (While) the rest, (engaged) in handicrafts and talk, follow a master and have need of a pattern.
- باقیان هم در حرف هم در مقال ** تابع استاد و محتاج مثال
- If thou art not alien to (unfit to hear) this discourse, assume the frock of a dervish and (take to shedding) tears in some deserted place,
- زین سخن گر نیستی بیگانهای ** دلق و اشکی گیر در ویرانهای
- Because Adam by means of tears escaped from that reproof: moist tears are the breath (speech) of the penitent.
- ز آن که آدم ز آن عتاب از اشک رست ** اشک تر باشد دم توبه پرست
- For weeping's sake Adam came (down) to the earth, that he might be weeping and moaning and sorrowful.
- بهر گریه آمد آدم بر زمین ** تا بود گریان و نالان و حزین
- Adam, (cast out) from Paradise and from above the Seven (Heavens), went to the “shoe-row” for the purpose of excusing himself. 1635
- آدم از فردوس و از بالای هفت ** پای ماچان از برای عذر رفت
- If thou art from the back of Adam and from his loins, be constant in seeking (forgiveness) amongst his company.
- گر ز پشت آدمی وز صلب او ** در طلب میباش هم در طلب او