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  • Think ye those exalted ones are a laughing-stock? Recite from the Qur’án as far as (the words) “They made you forget.”
  • خلتم سخریه اهل السمو ** از نبی خوانید تا أنسوکم‌‌
  • He that owns a village is king over bodies; he that owns a heart is king over your hearts.
  • صاحب ده پادشاه جسمهاست ** صاحب دل شاه دلهای شماست‌‌
  • Without any doubt, action (practice) is a branch of (subordinate to) seeing (theory): therefore Man is nothing but “the little man” (the pupil of the eye).
  • فرع دید آمد عمل بی‌‌هیچ شک ** پس نباشد مردم الا مردمک‌‌
  • I dare not expound the whole of this (subject): hindrance thereto is coming from those who are at the centre. 1680
  • من تمام این نیارم گفت از آن ** منع می‌‌آید ز صاحب مرکزان‌‌
  • Inasmuch as the forgetfulness and recollection of (God's) creatures are with him (depend on the perfect saint), and he comes at their call for help,
  • چون فراموشی خلق و یادشان ** با وی است و او رسد فریادشان‌‌
  • Every night that glorious one is emptying from their hearts hundreds of thousands of good and evil (thoughts),
  • صد هزاران نیک و بد را آن بهی ** می‌‌کند هر شب ز دلهاشان تهی‌‌
  • (While) in the daytime he is filling their hearts therewith— he is filling those oyster-shells with pearls.
  • روز دلها را از آن پر می‌‌کند ** آن صدفها را پر از در می‌‌کند
  • By (Divine) guidance (after sleep is past) all those thoughts of former things recognize the spirits (to which they were attached).
  • آن همه اندیشه‌‌ی پیشانها ** می‌‌شناسند از هدایت جانها
  • Your handicraft and skill come (back) to you, that they may open to you the door of (ways and) means. 1685
  • پیشه و فرهنگ تو آید به تو ** تا در اسباب بگشاید به تو
  • The goldsmith's craft did not go to the ironsmith; the disposition of the good-natured man did not go to the disagreeable one.
  • پیشه زرگر به آهنگر نشد ** خوی این خوش خو به آن منکر نشد