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  • Go, for thou art (he of whom God saith), ‘By Me he hears and by Me he sees’: thou art the (Divine) consciousness (itself): what is the occasion (propriety) of (saying), ‘Thou art the possessor of the (Divine) consciousness’?
  • Since thou hast become, through bewilderment, ‘He that belongs to God,’ I am thine, for ‘God shall belong to him.’
  • Sometimes I say to thee, ‘’Tis thou,’ sometimes, ‘’Tis I’: whatever I say, I am the Sun illuminating (all). 1940
  • Wheresoever I shine forth from the lamp-niche of a breath (Divine word), there the difficulties of a (whole) world are resolved.
  • The darkness which the (earthly) sun did not remove, through My breath that darkness becomes like bright morning.”
  • To an Adam He in His own person showed the (Divine) Names; to the rest He was revealing the Names by means of Adam.
  • Do thou receive His light either from Adam or from Himself: take the wine either from the jar or from the gourd (cup),
  • For this gourd is very closely connected with the jar: the blessed gourd is not rejoiced (by the same causes) as thou art. 1945
  • Mustafá (Mohammed) said, “Happy he that has seen me and he that looks at him that saw my face.”
  • When a lamp has derived (its) light from a candle, every one that sees it (the lamp) certainly sees the candle.