- There is rain for the sake of nurture; there is (also) rain for the sake of decay.
- هست باران از پی پروردگی ** هست باران از پی پژمردگی
- Marvellous is the benefit of the rain of springtime, (but) to the garden the autumnal rain is like a (consuming) fever.
- نفع باران بهاران بو العجب ** باغ را باران پاییزی چو تب
- That vernal (rain) makes it tenderly nurtured (flourishing), while this autumnal (rain) makes it sickly and wan.
- آن بهاری ناز پروردش کند ** وین خزانی ناخوش و زردش کند
- Similarly know that cold and wind and sun are at variance (produce various effects); and find the clue. 2040
- همچنین سرما و باد و آفتاب ** بر تفاوت دان و سر رشته بیاب
- Even so in the Unseen World there are these different sorts, (consisting) in loss and gain and in profit and defraudment (damage).
- همچنین در غیب انواع است این ** در زیان و سود و در ربح و غبین
- This breath of the Abdál (saints) is from that (spiritual) springtide: from it there grows a green garden in heart and soul.
- این دم ابدال باشد ز آن بهار ** در دل و جان روید از وی سبزهزار
- From their breaths there comes (is produced) in him who is fortunate the (same) effect (as that) of the spring rain on the tree.
- فعل باران بهاری با درخت ** آید از انفاسشان در نیک بخت
- If there be in the place a dry tree, do not deem its defect to be due to the life quickening wind.
- گر درخت خشک باشد در مکان ** عیب آن از باد جان افزا مدان
- The wind did its own work and blew on: he that had a soul chose it in preference to his soul. 2045
- باد کار خویش کرد و بروزید ** آن که جانی داشت بر جانش گزید
- On the meaning of the Tradition, “Take advantage of the coolness of the spring season, etc.”
- در معنی این حدیث که اغتنموا برد الربیع الی آخره
- The Prophet said, “Give heed, my friends! Do not cover your bodies from the cold of spring,
- گفت پیغمبر ز سرمای بهار ** تن مپوشانید یاران زینهار