- The vile Devil raises a doubt (in their minds): all these blind ones fall in headlong.
- شبههای انگیزد آن شیطان دون ** در فتند این جمله کوران سر نگون
- The leg of the syllogisers is of wood: a wooden leg is very infirm,
- پای استدلالیان چوبین بود ** پای چوبین سخت بیتمکین بود
- Unlike the Qutb (supreme saint) of the age, the possessor of (spiritual) vision, by whose steadfastness the mountain is made giddy-headed (amazed).
- غیر آن قطب زمان دیدهور ** کز ثباتش کوه گردد خیرهسر
- The blind man's leg is a staff, a staff, so that he may not fall headlong on the pebbles. 2130
- پای نابینا عصا باشد عصا ** تا نیفتد سر نگون او بر حصا
- The cavalier that became (the cause of) victory for the army, who is he for (the army of) the religious? The Lord of (spiritual) sight.
- آن سواری کاو سپه را شد ظفر ** اهل دین را کیست سلطان بصر
- If, with (the aid of) a staff, the blind have seen their way, (yet) they are under the protection of the clear-sighted people.
- با عصا کوران اگر ره دیدهاند ** در پناه خلق روشن دیدهاند
- Were there no men of vision and (spiritual) kings, all the blind in the world would be dead.
- گرنه بینایان بدندی و شهان ** جمله کوران مردهاندی در جهان
- From the blind comes neither sowing nor reaping nor cultivation nor tradings and profit.
- نی ز کوران کشت آید نه درود ** نه عمارت نه تجارتها و سود
- If He (God) did not bestow mercy and grace upon you, the wood of your logical deduction would break. 2135
- گر نکردی رحمت و افضالتان ** در شکستی چوب استدلالتان
- What is this staff? Inferences and (logical) demonstration. Who gave them (the blind) that staff? The all-seeing and almighty One.
- این عصا چه بود قیاسات و دلیل ** آن عصا کی دادشان بینا جلیل