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  • He said, “How dost thou wish (me to do)? Shall I say what those (hidden) things are, or shall they declare that I am truthful and right?”
  • گفت چون خواهی بگویم کان چهاست ** یا بگویند آن که ما حقیم و راست‌‌
  • Bú Jahl said, “This second (thing) is more extraordinary.” “Yes,” said the Prophet, “(but) God hath greater power than that.”
  • گفت بو جهل این دوم نادرتر است ** گفت آری حق از آن قادرتر است‌‌
  • Without delay, from the middle of his (closed) fist every pebble began to pronounce the (Moslem's) profession of faith.
  • از میان مشت او هر پاره سنگ ** در شهادت گفتن آمد بی‌‌درنگ‌‌
  • Each said, “There is no god” and (each) said, “except Allah”; (each) threaded the pearl of “Ahmad is the Messenger of Allah.”
  • لا إله گفت و إلا الله گفت ** گوهر احمد رسول الله سفت‌‌
  • When Bú Jahl heard this from the pebbles, in his anger he dashed those pebbles on the ground. 2160
  • چون شنید از سنگها بو جهل این ** زد ز خشم آن سنگها را بر زمین‌‌
  • The rest of the story of the minstrel, and how the Commander of the Faithful, ‘Umar, may God be well-pleased with him, conveyed to him the message spoken by the heavenly voice.
  • بقیه‌‌ی قصه‌‌ی مطرب و پیغام رسانیدن عمر به او آن چه هاتف آواز داد
  • Turn back and hear the plight of the minstrel, for the minstrel had (now) become desperate from waiting (so long).
  • باز گرد و حال مطرب گوش دار ** ز آن که عاجز گشت مطرب ز انتظار
  • The voice (of God) came to ‘Umar, saying, “O ‘Umar, redeem Our servant from want.
  • بانگ آمد مر عمر را کای عمر ** بنده‌‌ی ما را ز حاجت باز خر
  • We have a servant, a favourite and highly esteemed one: take the trouble to go on foot to the graveyard.
  • بنده‌‌ای داریم خاص و محترم ** سوی گورستان تو رنجه کن قدم‌‌
  • O ‘Umar, spring up and put in thy hand full seven hundred dínárs from the public treasury.
  • ای عمر برجه ز بیت المال عام ** هفت صد دینار در کف نه تمام‌‌
  • Carry them to him (and say), ‘O thou who art Our choice, accept this sum now and excuse (Us for offering such a small gift). 2165
  • پیش او بر کای تو ما را اختیار ** این قدر بستان کنون معذور دار