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  • The Prophet said, “For admonishment's sake two goodly angels are always making proclamation,
  • Saying, ‘O God, keep the prodigals fully satisfied, give hundred-thousandfold recompense for every dirhem that they spend.
  • O God, do not give the niggards in this world anything but loss upon loss!’” 2225
  • Oh, (there is) many an act of niggardliness that is better than prodigality: do not bestow what belongs to God except by the command of God,
  • That thou mayst gain infinite treasure in return, and that thou mayst not be numbered among the infidels
  • Who were offering camels in sacrifice in order that their swords might prevail against Mustafá.
  • Endeavour to find out the command of God from one who is united (with God): not every heart understands the command of God,
  • As (for example) the slave, the enemy (of God), who did justice (in his own opinion, and) bestowed what belonged to the King upon His enemies who rebelled against Him— 2230
  • In the Qur’án there is warning to the heedless that all their spendings are a (cause of) bitter grief to them—
  • What increase does the equity and justice of this enemy produce in the sight of the King? Banishment and a black countenance (disgrace).