If his act were not the inspiration of God, he would have been a dog that rends (its prey), not a king.
گر نبودی کارش الهام اله ** او سگی بودی دراننده نه شاه
He was unstained by lust and covetousness and passion: (what) he did (was) good, but good that wore the aspect of evil.235
پاک بود از شهوت و حرص و هوا ** نیک کرد او لیک نیک بد نما
If Khadir stove the boat in the sea, (yet) in Khadir's staving there are a hundred rightnesses.
گر خضر در بحر کشتی را شکست ** صد درستی در شکست خضر هست
The imagination of Moses, notwithstanding his (spiritual) illumination and excellence, was screened from (the comprehension of) that (act of Khadir). Do not thou fly without wings!
وهم موسی با همه نور و هنر ** شد از آن محجوب، تو بیپر مپر
That (deed of the king) is a red rose (worthy of praise); do not call it blood (murder). He is intoxicated with Reason; do not call him a madman.
آن گل سرخ است تو خونش مخوان ** مست عقل است او تو مجنونش مخوان
Had it been his desire to shed the blood of a Moslem, I am an infidel if I would have mentioned his name (with praise).
گر بدی خون مسلمان کام او ** کافرم گر بردمی من نام او
The highest heaven trembles at praise of the wicked, and by praise of him the devout man is moved to think evil.240
میبلرزد عرش از مدح شقی ** بد گمان گردد ز مدحش متقی
He was a king and a very heedful king; he was elect and the elect (favourite) of God.
شاه بود و شاه بس آگاه بود ** خاص بود و خاصهی الله بود
One who is slain by a king like this, he (the king) leads him to fortune and to the best (most honourable) estate.
آن کسی را کش چنین شاهی کشد ** سوی بخت و بهترین جاهی کشد
Unless he (the king) had seen advantage to him (the goldsmith) in doing violence to him, how should that absolute Mercy have sought to do violence?
گر ندیدی سود او در قهر او ** کی شدی آن لطف مطلق قهر جو