- O wife, take leave of quarrelling and waylaying, and if thou wilt not, (then) take leave of me!
- ترک جنگ و ره زنی ای زن بگو ** ور نمیگویی به ترک من بگو
- What room have I for quarrelling with the good or the bad? —for this heart of mine is recoiling (even) from acts of peace.
- مر مرا چه جای جنگ نیک و بد ** کاین دلم از صلحها هم میرمد
- If thou keep silence, (’tis well), and if not, I will so do that at this very moment I will leave my house and home.”
- گر خمش کردی و گرنه آن کنم ** که همین دم ترک خان و مان کنم
- How the wife paid regard to her husband and begged God to forgive her for what she had said.
- مراعات کردن زن شوهر را و استغفار کردن از گفتهی خویش
- When the wife saw that he was fierce and unmanageable, she began to weep: tears in sooth are a woman's lure.
- زن چو دید او را که تند و توسن است ** گشت گریان گریه خود دام زن است
- She said, “When did I imagine such (words) from thee? I hoped of thee something different.” 2395
- گفت از تو کی چنین پنداشتم ** از تو من اومید دیگر داشتم
- The wife approached by the way of self-naughting (self-abasement). “I am thy dust,” said she, “not (worthy to be) thy lady-wife.
- زن در آمد از طریق نیستی ** گفت من خاک شمایم نه ستی
- Body and soul and all I am is thine: the entire authority and command belongs to thee.
- جسم و جان و هر چه هستم آن تست ** حکم و فرمان جملگی فرمان تست
- If because of poverty my heart has lost patience, it is not for my own sake, but for thine.
- گر ز درویشی دلم از صبر جست ** بهر خویشم نیست آن بهر تو است
- Thou hast been my remedy in afflictions: I am unwilling that thou shouldst be penniless.
- تو مرا در دردها بودی دوا ** من نمیخواهم که باشی بینوا
- By thy soul, this is not for my own sake: this wailing and moaning of mine is on account of thee. 2400
- جان تو کز بهر خویشم نیست این ** از برای تستم این ناله و حنین