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  • (Then) he turned to himself and said, “O mourner, those folk are not worth thy mourning.”
  • رو به خود کرد و بگفت ای نوحه‌‌گر ** نوحه‌‌ات را می‌‌نیرزد آن نفر
  • Do not recite incorrectly, O thou who recitest correctly the perspicuous (Qur'án) “Say, how shall I be grieved for an unjust people?”
  • کژ مخوان ای راست خواننده‌‌ی مبین ** کیف آسی قل لقوم ظالمین‌‌
  • Again he felt a weeping in his eye and heart: an uncaused (involuntary) compassion shone forth in him.
  • باز اندر چشم و دل او گریه یافت ** رحمتی بی‌‌علتی در وی بتافت‌‌
  • He was raining drops of water (shedding tears)—and he had become distraught— an uncaused drop from the Ocean of Bounty. 2560
  • قطره می‌‌بارید و حیران گشته بود ** قطره‌‌ی بی‌‌علت از دریای جود
  • His intellect was saying, “Wherefore is this weeping? Ought one to weep for such scoffers?
  • عقل او می‌‌گفت کین گریه ز چیست ** بر چنان افسوسیان شاید گریست‌‌
  • Tell me, what art thou weeping for? For their fraud? For the host of (their) ill-omened exactions of vengeance?
  • بر چه می‌‌گریی بگو بر فعلشان ** بر سپاه کینه توز بدنشان‌‌
  • For their murky hearts full of rust? For their venomous snake-like tongues?
  • بر دل تاریک پر زنگارشان ** بر زبان زهر همچون مارشان‌‌
  • For their sagsár-like breath and teeth? For their mouths and eyes teeming with scorpions?
  • بر دم و دندان سگسارانه‌‌شان ** بر دهان و چشم کژدم خانه‌‌شان‌‌
  • For their wrangling and sneering and scoffing? Give thanks, since God has imprisoned (restrained) them. 2565
  • بر ستیز و تسخر و افسوسشان ** شکر کن چون کرد حق محبوسشان‌‌
  • Their hands are perverse, their feet perverse, their eyes perverse, their love perverse, their peace perverse, their anger perverse.”
  • دستشان کژ پایشان کژ چشم کژ ** مهرشان کژ صلح‌‌شان کژ خشم کژ