Again he felt a weeping in his eye and heart: an uncaused (involuntary) compassion shone forth in him.
باز اندر چشم و دل او گریه یافت ** رحمتی بیعلتی در وی بتافت
He was raining drops of water (shedding tears)—and he had become distraught— an uncaused drop from the Ocean of Bounty. 2560
قطره میبارید و حیران گشته بود ** قطرهی بیعلت از دریای جود
His intellect was saying, “Wherefore is this weeping? Ought one to weep for such scoffers?
عقل او میگفت کین گریه ز چیست ** بر چنان افسوسیان شاید گریست
Tell me, what art thou weeping for? For their fraud? For the host of (their) ill-omened exactions of vengeance?
بر چه میگریی بگو بر فعلشان ** بر سپاه کینه توز بدنشان
For their murky hearts full of rust? For their venomous snake-like tongues?
بر دل تاریک پر زنگارشان ** بر زبان زهر همچون مارشان
For their sagsár-like breath and teeth? For their mouths and eyes teeming with scorpions?
بر دم و دندان سگسارانهشان ** بر دهان و چشم کژدم خانهشان
For their wrangling and sneering and scoffing? Give thanks, since God has imprisoned (restrained) them. 2565
بر ستیز و تسخر و افسوسشان ** شکر کن چون کرد حق محبوسشان
Their hands are perverse, their feet perverse, their eyes perverse, their love perverse, their peace perverse, their anger perverse.”
دستشان کژ پایشان کژ چشم کژ ** مهرشان کژ صلحشان کژ خشم کژ
For the sake of blind conformity and (for the sake of following) traditional ideas, they set their feet (trampled) on the camels of Reason, this venerable Guide.
از پی تقلید و معقولات نقل ** پا نهاده بر جمال پیر عقل
They were not eager for a guide (pír-khar): they all had become (like) an old donkey (pír khar) from paying hypocritical observance to each other's eyes and ears.
پیر خر نی جمله گشته پیر خر ** از ریای چشم و گوش همدگر