Again in the wine-jar it becomes bitter and unlawful, (but) in the state (form) of vinegar how excellent it is as a seasoning!
باز در خم او شود تلخ و حرام ** در مقام سرکگی نعم الادام
Concerning the impropriety of the disciple's (muríd) presuming to do the same things as are done by the saint (walí), inasmuch as sweetmeat does no harm to the physician, but is harmful to the sick, and frost and snow do no harm to the ripe grape, but are injurious to the young fruit; for he (the disciple) is (still) on the way, for he has not (yet) become (the saint to whom are applicable the words in the Qur’án): “That God may forgive thee thy former and latter sins.”
در معنی آن که آن چه ولی کند مرید را نشاید گستاخی کردن و همان فعل کردن که حلوا طبیب را زیان ندارد اما بیمار را زیان دارد و سرما و برف انگور را زیان ندارد اما غوره را زیان دارد که در راهست که ليغفر لک الله ما تقدم من ذنبک و ما تأخر
If the saint drinks a poison it becomes an antidote, but if the seeker (disciple) drinks it, his mind is darkened.
گر ولی زهری خورد نوشی شود ** ور خورد طالب سیه هوشی شود
From Solomon have come the words, “O Lord, give me (a kingdom that it behoves not any one after me to obtain),” that is, “do not give this kingdom and power to any but me.
رب هب لی از سلیمان آمده ست ** که مده غیر مرا این ملک و دست
Do not bestow this grace and bounty on any but me.” This looks like envy, but it was not that (in reality).2605
تو مکن با غیر من این لطف و جود ** این حسد را ماند اما آن نبود
Read with your soul the mystery of “it behoves not,” do not deem the inward meaning of “after me” (to be derived) from his (Solomon's) avarice.
نکتهی لا ينبغی میخوان به جان ** سر من بعدی ز بخل او مدان
Nay, but in sovereignty he saw a hundred dangers: the kingdom of this world was (has ever been), hair by hair (in every respect), fear for one's head.
بلکه اندر ملک دید او صد خطر ** مو به مو ملک جهان بد بیم سر
Fear for head with fear for heart with fear for religion— there is no trial for us like this.
بیم سر با بیم سر با بیم دین ** امتحانی نیست ما را مثل این
Therefore one must needs possess the high aspiration of a Solomon in order to escape from these myriads of colours and perfumes (enticing vanities).
پس سلیمان همتی باید که او ** بگذرد زین صد هزاران رنگ و بو
Even with such (great) strength (of spirit) as he had, the waves of that (worldly) kingdom were stifling his breath (choking him).2610
با چنان قوت که او را بود هم ** موج آن ملکش فرومیبست دم
Since dust settled on him from this sorrow, he had compassion for all the kings of the world.
چون بر او بنشست زین اندوه گرد ** بر همه شاهان عالم رحم کرد