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  • Although the fierce lion was ashamed of them (the wolf and fox), yet he did them honour and gave them his company on the way.
  • گر چه ز یشان شیر نر را ننگ بود ** لیک کرد اکرام و همراهی نمود
  • To a king like this the (escort of) soldiers are an annoyance, but he accompanied them: a united party is a mercy (from God).
  • این چنین شه را ز لشکر زحمت است ** لیک همره شد جماعت رحمت است‌‌
  • A moon like this is disgraced by the stars: it is amongst the stars for generosity's sake.
  • این چنین مه را ز اختر ننگهاست ** او میان اختران بهر سخاست‌‌
  • The (Divine) command, Consult them, came to the Prophet, though no counsel is to be compared with his own.
  • امر شاورهم پیمبر را رسید ** گر چه رایی نیست رایش را ندید
  • In the scales barley has become the companion of gold, (but that is) not because barley has become a substance like gold. 3020
  • در ترازو جو رفیق زر شده ست ** نی از آن که جو چو زر گوهر شده ست‌‌
  • The spirit has now become the body's fellow-traveller: the dog has become for a time the guardian of the palace-gate.
  • روح قالب را کنون همره شده ست ** مدتی سگ حارس درگه شده ست‌‌
  • When this party (the wolf and fox) went to the mountains at the stirrup (side) of the lion majestic and grand,
  • چون که رفتند این جماعت سوی کوه ** در رکاب شیر با فر و شکوه‌‌
  • They found a mountain-ox and goat and fat hare, and their business went forward (prosperously).
  • گاو کوهی و بز و خرگوش زفت ** یافتند و کار ایشان پیش رفت‌‌
  • Whoever is on the heels of him that is a lion in combat, roast-meat does not fail him by day or by night.
  • هر که باشد در پی شیر حراب ** کم نیاید روز و شب او را کباب‌‌
  • When they brought them (the animals which they had caught) from the mountains to the jungle, killed and wounded and dragging along in (streams of) blood, 3025
  • چون ز که در بیشه آوردندشان ** کشته و مجروح و اندر خون کشان‌‌