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  • When, amongst thousands of morsels (of food), one little piece of rubbish entered (his mouth), the living man's sense (of touch or taste) tracked it down.
  • The worldly sense is the ladder to this world; the religious sense is the ladder to Heaven.
  • Seek ye the well-being of the former sense from the physician; beg ye the well-being of the latter sense from the Beloved.
  • The health of the former arises from the flourishing state of the body; the health of the latter arises from the ruin of the body. 305
  • The spiritual way ruins the body and, after having ruined it, restores it to prosperity:
  • Ruined the house for the sake of the golden treasure, and with that same treasure builds it better (than before);
  • Cut off the water and cleansed the river-bed, then caused drinking-water to flow in the river-bed;
  • Cleft the skin and drew out the iron point (of the arrow or spear)—then fresh skin grew over it (the wound);
  • Rased the fortress and took it from the infidel, then reared thereon a hundred towers and ramparts. 310
  • Who shall describe the action of Him who hath no like? This that I have said (is what) the present necessity is affording.