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  • So that he (the patient) fancies it (the wound) is healed, (whereas in reality) the (healing) ray of the plaster has shone upon the (wounded) spot.
  • Beware! Do not (scornfully) turn your head away from the plaster, O you who are wounded in the back, but recognise that that (healing of the wound) proceeds from the ray: do not regard it as (proceeding) from your own constitution.
  • How the writer of the (Qur’ánic) Revelation fell into apostasy because (when) the ray of the Revelation shot upon him, he recited the (revealed) verse before the Prophet, on whom be peace, (had dictated it to him); then he said, “So I too am one upon whom Revelation has descended.”
  • Before (the time of) ‘Uthmán there was a scribe who used to be diligent in writing down the Revelation.
  • Whenever the Prophet dictated the Revelation, he would write out the same (portion) on the leaf.
  • The beams of that Revelation would shine upon him, and he would find Wisdom within him. 3230
  • The substance of that Wisdom was dictated by the Prophet: by this (small) amount (of reflected Wisdom) that meddling fool was led astray,
  • Thinking, “I have in my conscience the Truth of that which the illumined Prophet is saying.”
  • The ray of his thought struck the Prophet: the wrath of God descended on his (the scribe's) soul.
  • He abandoned both his work as a scribe and the Religion (Islam): he became the malignant foe of Mustafá (Mohammed) and the Religion.
  • Mustafá said, “O obstinate miscreant, if the Light was from thee, how shouldst thou have become black (with sin)? 3235