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  • The master said to a squint-eyed (pupil), “Come on; go, fetch that bottle out of the room.”
  • گفت استاد احولی را کاندر آ ** رو برون آر از وثاق آن شیشه را
  • Said the squint-eyed one: “Which of the two bottles shall I bring to you? Explain fully.”
  • گفت احول ز ان دو شیشه من کدام ** پیش تو آرم بکن شرح تمام‌‌
  • “There are not two bottles,” replied the master; “go, leave off squinting and do not be seeing more (than one).”
  • گفت استاد آن دو شیشه نیست رو ** احولی بگذار و افزون بین مشو
  • “O master,” said he, “don't chide me.” Said the master, “Smash one of those two.” 330
  • گفت ای استا مرا طعنه مزن ** گفت استا ز ان دو یک را در شکن‌‌
  • The bottle was one, though in his eyes it seemed two; when he broke the bottle, there was no other.
  • شیشه یک بود و به چشمش دو نمود ** چون شکست او شیشه را دیگر نبود
  • When one was broken, both vanished from sight: a man is made squint-eyed by (evil) propensity and anger.
  • چون یکی بشکست هر دو شد ز چشم ** مردم احول گردد از میلان و خشم‌‌
  • Anger and lust make a man squint-eyed, they change the spirit (so that it departs) from rectitude.
  • خشم و شهوت مرد را احول کند ** ز استقامت روح را مبدل کند
  • When self-interest appears, virtue becomes hidden: a hundred veils rise from the heart to the eye.
  • چون غرض آمد هنر پوشیده شد ** صد حجاب از دل به سوی دیده شد
  • When the cadi lets bribery gain hold of his heart, how should he know the wronger from the wretched victim of wrong? 335
  • چون دهد قاضی به دل رشوت قرار ** کی شناسد ظالم از مظلوم زار
  • The king, from Jewish rancour, became so squint-eyed that (we cry), “Mercy, O Lord, mercy (save us from such an affliction)!”
  • شاه از حقد جهودانه چنان ** گشت احول کالامان یا رب امان‌‌