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  • He was reckoning himself a fellow-songster of the Birds of God, (whereas) that (which proceeded from him) was (only) a whistle resembling an echo.
  • If you become an exponent (imitator) of the song of birds, how will you become acquainted with the (real) meaning of the bird?
  • If you learn the note of a nightingale, how will you know what (feelings) it has towards a rose?
  • Or if you do know, ’twill only be from surmise, like the conjectures formed by deaf people from those who move their lips.
  • How the deaf man went to visit his sick neighbour.
  • One possessed of much wealth said to a deaf man, “A neighbour of thine is fallen ill.” 3360
  • The deaf man said to himself, “Being hard of hearing, what shall I understand of the words spoken by that youth?—
  • Especially (as) he is ill and his voice is weak; but I must go thither, there's no escape.
  • When I see his lips moving, I will form a conjecture as to that (movement) from myself.
  • When I say, ‘How are you, O my suffering (friend)?’ he will reply, ‘I am fine’ or ‘I am pretty well.’
  • I will say, ‘Thanks (to God)! What posset have you had to drink?’ He will reply, ‘Some sherbet’ or ‘a decoction of kidney-beans.’ 3365