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  • Principium aquae seminis candidum est et pulchrum, but the reflexion of the spirit, (whether the spirit be) Anatolian or Ethiopian, [The original (nature of) seminal fluid is white and fair, but the reflexion of the spirit, (whether the spirit be) Anatolian or Ethiopian,]
  • اصل آب نطفه اسپید است و خوش ** لیک عکس جان رومی و حبش‌‌
  • Is giving colour (glory) to those (the Anatolians) who are most excellent in their (original) constitution, (while) it is bearing this (other) half (i.e. the Ethiopians) down to the lowest depth.
  • می‌‌دهد رنگ احسن التقویم را ** تا به اسفل می‌‌برد این نیم را
  • This discourse hath no end. Hasten back, that we may not be left behind by the caravan's file of camels.
  • این سخن پایان ندارد باز ران ** تا نمانیم از قطار کاروان‌‌
  • On the Day when faces shall become white or black, Turk and Hindi shall become manifest (shall be clearly discerned) from among that company.
  • یوم تبیض و تسود وجوه ** ترک و هندو شهره گردد ز آن گروه‌‌
  • In the womb (of this world) Hindoo and Turk are not distinguishable, (but) when each is born (into the next world) he (the seer) sees that each is miserable or glorious (according to his spiritual nature). 3525
  • در رحم پیدا نباشد هند و ترک ** چون که زاید بیندش زار و سترگ‌‌
  • “I am seeing them all plainly and with ocular vision, as (they shall be) on the Day of Resurrection, men and women.
  • جمله را چون روز رستاخیز من ** فاش می‌‌بینم عیان از مرد و زن‌‌
  • Hark, shall I tell or should I stop my breath (keep solence)?" Mustafá (Mohammad) bit his lip (in displeasure) at him (Zayd), as though to say, "Enough!"
  • هین بگویم یا فرو بندم نفس ** لب گزیدش مصطفی یعنی که بس‌‌
  • “O Messenger of Allah, shall I tell the mystery of the Gathering (on the Day of Judgement), shall I make the Resurrection manifest in the world to-day?
  • یا رسول الله بگویم سر حشر ** در جهان پیدا کنم امروز نشر
  • Let me be, that I may rend the curtains asunder, that my (spiritual) substance may shine forth like a sun;
  • هل مرا تا پرده‌‌ها را بر درم ** تا چو خورشیدی بتابد گوهرم‌‌
  • That the sun may be eclipsed by me, that I may show (the difference between) the (fruitful) date-palm and the (barren) willow. 3530
  • تا کسوف آید ز من خورشید را ** تا نمایم نخل را و بید را