And those who have been made to run athirst round it I will show clearly at this moment.
و آن کسان که تشنه بر گردش دوان ** گشتهاند این دم نمایم من عیان
Their shoulders are rubbing against my shoulder, their cries are piercing my ears.
میبساید دوششان بر دوش من ** نعرههاشان میرسد در گوش من
Before my eyes the people of Paradise, from free choice, clasp each other to their bosoms,
اهل جنت پیش چشمم ز اختیار ** در کشیده یکدگر را در کنار
Visiting one another's high places of honour and snatching kisses from the lips (of the houris).3540
دست همدیگر زیارت میکنند ** از لبان هم بوسه غارت میکنند
This ear of mine has become deafened by the cries of ‘Alas, Alas!’ (uttered) by the vile wretches (in Hell) and by the screams of ‘O sorrow!’
کر شد این گوشم ز بانگ آه آه ** از خسان و نعرهی وا حسرتاه
These are (only) hints. I would speak from the depth (of my knowledge), but I fear to offend the Messenger (of Allah).”
این اشارتهاست گویم از نغول ** لیک میترسم ز آزار رسول
He was speaking in this wise, intoxicated and distraught: the Prophet twitched his collar
همچنین میگفت سر مست و خراب ** داد پیغمبر گریبانش به تاب
And said, “Beware! Draw (rein), for thy horse has become hot. (When) the reflexion of God is not ashamed (to speak the truth) strikes (on the heart), shame is gone.
گفت هین در کش که اسبت گرم شد ** عکس حق لا يستحيی زد شرم شد
Thy mirror has shot out of the case: how shall mirror and balance speak falsehood?3545
آینهی تو جست بیرون از غلاف ** آینه و میزان کجا گوید خلاف
How shall mirror and balance stop their breath (suppress the truth) for fear of hurting and shaming any one?
آینه و میزان کجا بندد نفس ** بهر آزار و حیای هیچ کس