- Afterwards he was driving them into the plains, and those persons were running up and down. 3595
- بعد از آن میراندشان در دشتها ** میدویدندی میان کشتها
- From distress they began to vomit: the (hot) water was bringing up the fruit from them.
- قی در افتادند ایشان از عنا ** آب میآورد ز یشان میوهها
- When Luqmán began to vomit from his navel (belly), there was coming up from within him (only) the pure water.
- چون که لقمان را در آمد قی ز ناف ** میبرآمد از درونش آب صاف
- Inasmuch as Luqmán's wisdom can show forth this, then what must be the wisdom of the Lord of existence!
- حکمت لقمان چو داند این نمود ** پس چه باشد حکمت رب الوجود
- On the day when all the inmost thoughts shall be searched out, there will appear from you something latent, (the appearance of) which is not desired.
- يوم تبلی، السرائر کلها ** بان منکم کامن لا یشتهی
- When they shall be given hot water to drink, all the veils will be cut asunder (torn off) from that which is abhorred. 3600
- چون سقوا ماء حمیما قطعت ** جملة الأستار مما أفظعت
- The fire (of Hell) is made the torment of the infidels because fire is the (proper) test for stones.
- نار از آن آمد عذاب کافران ** که حجر را نار باشد امتحان
- How oft, how oft, have we spoken gently to our stony hearts, and they would not accept the counsel!
- آن دل چون سنگ را ما چند چند ** نرم گفتیم و نمیپذرفت پند
- For a bad wound the vein gets (requires) a bad (severe) remedy: the teeth of the dog are suitable for the donkey's head.
- ریش بد را داروی بد یافت رگ ** مر سر خر را سزد دندان سگ
- The wicked women to the wicked men is wisdom: the ugly is the mate and fitting (consort) for the ugly.
- الخبیثات الخبیثین حکمت است ** زشت را هم زشت جفت و بابت است