- Since the rational spirit exposes faults, it is rending the curtains of concealment.
- ناطقه چون فاضح آمد عیب را ** میدراند پردههای غیب را
- Concealment is desired by God for awhile. Drive away this drummer, bar the road! 3610
- غیب مطلوب حق آمد چند گاه ** این دهلزن را بران بر بند راه
- Do not gallop, draw rein, ’tis better it (thy spirit) should be veiled; ’tis better that every one should be gladdened by his own fancy.
- تک مران در کش عنان مستور به ** هر کس از پندار خود مسرور به
- God is wishing that even His despairing ones should not avert their faces (refrain) from this worship (of Him).
- حق همیخواهد که نومیدان او ** زین عبادت هم نگردانند رو
- Even on the ground of a hope they become ennobled: for a few days (a short time) they are running at its stirrup (following Divine worship).
- هم به اومیدی مشرف میشوند ** چند روزی در رکابش میدوند
- He wishes that that mercy should shine upon all, on the evil and the good, because of the universality of His mercy.
- خواهد آن رحمت بتابد بر همه ** بر بد و نیک از عموم مرحمه
- God is wishing that every prince and captive should be hopeful and fearful and afraid. 3615
- حق همیخواهد که هر میر و اسیر ** با رجا و خوف باشند و حذیر
- This hope and fear are in the veil (separating the seen from the unseen), that they may be fostered behind this veil.
- این رجا و خوف در پرده بود ** تا پس این پرده پرورده شود
- When thou hast rent the veil, where are fear and hope? The might and majesty belonging to the Unseen are divulged.
- چون دریدی پرده کو خوف و رجا ** غیب را شد کر و فری بر ملا
- A young man on the bank of a river thought (to himself), “Our fisherman (here) is Solomon.
- بر لب جو برد ظنی یک فتا ** که سلیمان است ماهیگیر ما