Had it not been for their magic and denial (of Moses), who would have brought them to rebellious Pharaoh?
گر نبودی سحرشان و آن جحود ** کی کشیدیشان به فرعون عنود
How would they have seen the rod and the miracles? Disobedience (to God) became obedience, O disobedient people.3835
کی بدیدندی عصا و معجزات ** معصیت طاعت شد ای قوم عصات
God hath smitten the neck of despair, inasmuch as sin has become like obedience.
ناامیدی را خدا گردن زده است ** چون گنه مانند طاعت آمده ست
Since He changes evil acts (into good), He makes it (the disobedience) an act of obedience in despite of slanderers (devils).
چون مبدل میکند او سیئات ** طاعتیاش میکند رغم وشات
By this (mercy of God) the stoned (accursed) Devil is driven away and bursts with envy and is cloven asunder.
زین شود مرجوم شیطان رجیم ** و ز حسد او بطرقد گردد دو نیم
He strives to foster a sin (in us) and by means of that sin bring us into a pit;
او بکوشد تا گناهی پرورد ** ز آن گنه ما را به چاهی آورد
When he sees that the sin has become an act of obedience (to God), there comes round for him an unblest hour.3840
چون ببیند کان گنه شد طاعتی ** گردد او را نامبارک ساعتی
“Come in! I open the door to thee. Thou spattest (on me) and I give thee a present.
اندر آ من در گشادم مر ترا ** تف زدی و تحفه دادم مر ترا
Such things I am giving to the doer of iniquity: (thou seest) in what fashion I lay my head before the left foot.
مر جفاگر را چنینها میدهم ** پیش پای چپ چه سان سر مینهم
What then do I bestow on the doer of righteousness? Know thou, (I bestow) treasures and kingdoms everlasting.
پس وفاگر را چه بخشم تو بدان ** گنجها و ملکهای جاودان
How the Prophet, on whom be peace, said in the ear of the stirrup-holder of the Prince of the Faithful ‘Alí, may God honour his person, “I tell thee, ‘Alí will be slain by thy hand.”
گفتن پیغامبر علیه السلام به گوش رکابدار امیر المؤمنین علی علیه السلام که کشتن علی بر دست تو خواهد بودن خبرت کردم