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  • If He sever one head from the body, He at once raises up hundreds of thousands of heads (for the beheaded person).
  • گر یکی سر را ببرد از بدن ** صد هزاران سر بر آرد در زمن‌‌
  • If He had not ordained a retaliation upon the guilty, or if He had not said, “In retaliation there is (for you) a life,”
  • گر نفرمودی قصاصی بر جناة ** یا نگفتی فی القصاص آمد حیات‌‌
  • Who indeed would have the stomach (would dare) of himself (on his own responsibility) to wield (draw) a sword against him that is a thrall to the decree of God?—
  • خود که را زهره بدی تا او ز خود ** بر اسیر حکم حق تیغی زند
  • Because every one whose eyes He (God) hath opened would know that the slayer was constrained (to slay) by (Divine) predestination. 3890
  • ز آن که داند هر که چشمش را گشود ** کآن کشنده سخره‌‌ی تقدیر بود
  • Any one on whom that decree might come (fall) would strike a sword-blow even at the head of his (own) child.
  • هر که را آن حکم بر سر آمدی ** بر سر فرزند هم تیغی زدی‌‌
  • Go, fear (God) and do not rail at the wicked: know thine own impotence before the snare of the (Divine) decree.
  • رو بترس و طعنه کم زن بر بدان ** پیش دام حکم عجز خود بدان‌‌
  • How Adam, on whom be peace, marvelled at the perdition of the accursed Iblís and showed vanity.
  • تعجب کردن آدم علیه السلام از ضلالت ابلیس لعین و عجب آوردن‌‌
  • The eye of Adam looked with contempt and scorn on Iblís who is damned.
  • چشم آدم بر بلیسی کو شقی ست ** از حقارت و از زیافت بنگریست‌‌
  • He behaved with self-conceit and became self-approving: he laughed at the plight of accursed Iblís.
  • خویش بینی کرد و آمد خود گزین ** خنده زد بر کار ابلیس لعین‌‌
  • The jealousy of God cried out (against him)—“O chosen one, thou art ignorant of the hidden mysteries (of His providence). 3895
  • بانگ بر زد غیرت حق کای صفی ** تو نمی‌‌دانی ز اسرار خفی‌‌
  • If He should turn the fur inside out, He would tear up from root and bottom (even) the (firmest) mountain (of faith);
  • پوستین را باژگونه گر کند ** کوه را از بیخ و از بن بر کند