- This world, indeed, is the prison of your souls: oh, go in yonder direction, for there lies your open country. 525
- این جهان خود حبس جانهای شماست ** هین روید آن سو که صحرای شماست
- This world is finite, and truly that (other) is infinite: image and form are a barrier to that Reality.
- این جهان محدود و آن خود بیحد است ** نقش و صورت پیش آن معنی سد است.
- The myriads of Pharaoh's lances were shattered by (the hand of) Moses (armed) with a single staff.
- صد هزاران نیزهی فرعون را ** در شکست از موسیی با یک عصا
- Myriads were the therapeutic arts of Galen: before Jesus and his (life-giving) breath they were a laughing-stock.
- صد هزاران طب جالینوس بود ** پیش عیسی و دمش افسوس بود
- Myriads were the books of (pre-Islamic) poems: at the word of an illiterate (prophet) they were (put to) shame.
- صد هزاران دفتر اشعار بود ** پیش حرف امیی آن عار بود
- (Confronted) with such an all-conquering Lord, how should any one not die (to self), unless he be a vile wretch? 530
- با چنین غالب خداوندی کسی ** چون نمیرد گر نباشد او خسی
- Many a mind (strong and firm) as a mountain did He uproot; the cunning bird He hung up by its two feet.
- بس دل چون کوه را انگیخت او ** مرغ زیرک با دو پا آویخت او
- To sharpen the intelligence and wits is not the (right) way: none but the broken (in spirit) wins the favour of the King.
- فهم و خاطر تیز کردن نیست راه ** جز شکسته مینگیرد فضل شاه
- Oh, many the amassers of treasure, digging holes (in search of treasure), who became an ox's beard (dupe) to that vain schemer (the vizier)!
- ای بسا گنج آگنان کنج کاو ** کان خیال اندیش را شد ریش گاو
- Who is the ox that you should become his beard? What is earth that you should become its stubble?
- گاو که بود تا تو ریش او شوی ** خاک چه بود تا حشیش او شوی