- The vizier formed in his mind another plan: he abandoned preaching and sat alone in seclusion.
- مکر دیگر آن وزیر از خود ببست ** وعظ را بگذاشت و در خلوت نشست
- He inspired ardour in his disciples from (their) longing (to see him); he remained in seclusion forty or fifty days. 550
- در مریدان در فکند از شوق سوز ** بود در خلوت چهل پنجاه روز
- The people became mad from longing for him and on account of being separated from his (spiritual) feeling and discourse and intuition.
- خلق دیوانه شدند از شوق او ** از فراق حال و قال و ذوق او
- They were making supplication and lament, while he in solitude was bent double by austerities.
- لابه و زاری همیکردند و او ** از ریاضت گشته در خلوت دو تو
- They said, “Without thee we have no light: how (what) is the state of a blind man without a leader?
- گفته ایشان نیست ما را بیتو نور ** بیعصا کش چون بود احوال کور
- By way of showing favour (to us) and for God's sake, do not keep us parted from thee any longer.
- از سر اکرام و از بهر خدا ** بیش از این ما را مدار از خود جدا
- We are as children and thou art our nurse: do thou spread over us that shadow (of thy protection).” 555
- ما چو طفلانیم و ما را دایه تو ** بر سر ما گستران آن سایه تو
- He said, “My soul is not far from them that love (me), but there is no permission to come forth.”
- گفت جانم از محبان دور نیست ** لیک بیرون آمدن دستور نیست
- Those amírs came for intercession, and the disciples came in reproach,
- آن امیران در شفاعت آمدند ** و آن مریدان در شناعت آمدند
- Saying, “O noble sir, what a misfortune is this for us! Without thee we are left orphaned (deprived) of our hearts and our religion.
- کاین چه بد بختی است ما را ای کریم ** از دل و دین مانده ما بیتو یتیم