- We are as pieces of chess (engaged) in victory and defeat: our victory and defeat is from thee, O thou whose qualities are comely! 600
- ما چو شطرنجیم اندر برد و مات ** برد و مات ما ز تست ای خوش صفات
- Who are we, O thou soul of our souls, that we should remain in being beside thee?
- ما که باشیم ای تو ما را جان جان ** تا که ما باشیم با تو در میان
- We and our existences are (really) non-existences: thou art the absolute Being which manifests the perishable (causes phenomena to appear).
- ما عدمهاییم و هستیهای ما ** تو وجود مطلقی فانی نما
- We all are lions, but lions on a banner: because of the wind they are rushing onward from moment to moment.
- ما همه شیران ولی شیر علم ** حملهشان از باد باشد دمبهدم
- Their onward rush is visible, and the wind is unseen: may that which is unseen never fail!
- حمله شان پیدا و ناپیداست باد ** آن که ناپیداست هرگز کم مباد
- Our wind (that whereby we are moved) and our being are of thy gift; our whole existence is from thy bringing (us) into being. 605
- باد ما و بود ما از داد تست ** هستی ما جمله از ایجاد تست
- Thou didst show the delightfulness of Being unto not-being, (after) thou hadst caused not-being to fall in love with thee.
- لذت هستی نمودی نیست را ** عاشق خود کرده بودی نیست را
- Take not away the delightfulness of thy bounty; take not away thy dessert and wine and wine-cup!
- لذت انعام خود را وامگیر ** نقل و باده و جام خود را وامگیر
- And if thou take it away, who will make inquiry of thee? How should the picture strive with the painter?
- ور بگیری کیت جستجو کند ** نقش با نقاش چون نیرو کند
- Do not look on us, do not fix thy gaze on us: look on thine own kindness and generosity.
- منگر اندر ما، مکن در ما نظر ** اندر اکرام و سخای خود نگر