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  • The foulness of your sin is shown to you, you resolve to come back to the (right) way; 625
  • You make promises and vows that henceforth your chosen course (of action) will be nothing but obedience (to God):
  • Therefore it has become certain that illness gives to you conscience and wakefulness.
  • Note, then, this principle, O thou that seekest the principle; every one who suffers pain has caught the scent (thereof):
  • The more wakeful any one is, the more full of suffering he is; the more aware (of God) he is, the paler he is in countenance.
  • If you are aware of His jabr (compulsion), where is your humility? Where is your feeling of (being loaded with) the chain of His jabbárí (almightiness)? 630
  • How should one make merry who is bound in chains? When does the captive in prison behave like the man who is free?
  • And if you consider that your foot is shackled (and that) the king's officers are sitting (as custodians) over you,
  • Then do not act like an officer (tyrannously) towards the helpless, inasmuch as that is not the nature and habit of a helpless man.
  • Since you do not feel His compulsion, do not say (that you are compelled); and if you feel it, where is the sign of your feeling?