- And if he be one born under Mars, one whose nature is to shed blood, he seeks war and malignity and enmity.
- ور بود مریخی خونریز خو ** جنگ و بهتان و خصومت جوید او
- Beyond the (material) stars are stars in which is no conflagration or sinister aspect,
- اخترانند از ورای اختران ** که احتراق و نحس نبود اندر آن
- (Stars) moving in other heavens, not these seven heavens (which are) held in high regard, 755
- سایران در آسمانهای دگر ** غیر این هفت آسمان معتبر
- (Stars) immanent in the radiance of the light of God, neither joined to each other nor separate from each other.
- راسخان در تاب انوار خدا ** نی بهم پیوسته نی از هم جدا
- When any one's ascendant (fortune) is from those stars, his soul burns the infidels in driving (them) off.
- هر که باشد طالع او ز آن نجوم ** نفس او کفار سوزد در رجوم
- His anger is not (like) the anger of the man born under Mars—going upside down, and of such nature that it is (now) dominant and (now) dominated.
- خشم مریخی نباشد خشم او ** منقلب رو غالب و مغلوب خو
- The dominant light (of the saints) is secure from defect and dimness between the two fingers of the Light of God.
- نور غالب ایمن از نقص و غسق ** در میان اصبعین نور حق
- God hath scattered that light over (all) spirits, (but only) the fortunate have held up their skirts (to receive it); 760
- حق فشاند آن نور را بر جانها ** مقبلان برداشته دامانها
- And he (that is fortunate), having gained that strown largesse of light, has turned his face away from all except God.
- و آن نثار نور را وایافته ** روی از غیر خدا بر تافته
- Whosoever has lacked (such) a skirt of love is left without share in that strown largesse of light.
- هر که را دامان عشقی نابده ** ز آن نثار نور بیبهره شده