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  • The good colours are from the vat of purity; the colour of the wicked is from the black water of iniquity. 765
  • The baptism of God is the name of that subtle colour; the curse of God is the smell of this gross colour.
  • That which is of the sea is going to the sea: it is going to the same place whence it came—
  • From the mountain-top the swift-rushing torrents, and from our body the soul whose motion is mingled with love.
  • How the Jewish king made a fire and placed an idol beside it, saying, “Whoever bows down to this idol shall escape the fire.”
  • Now see what a plan this currish Jew contrived! He set up an idol beside the fire,
  • Saying, “He that bows down to this idol is saved, and if he bow not, he shall sit in the heart of the fire.” 770
  • Inasmuch as he did not give due punishment to this idol of self, from the idol of his self the other idol was born.
  • The idol of your self is the mother of (all) idols, because that (material) idol is (only) a snake, while this (spiritual) idol is a dragon.
  • The self is (as) iron and stone (whence fire is produced), while the (material) idol is (as) the sparks: those sparks are quieted (quenched) by water.
  • (But) how should the stone and iron be allayed by water? How should a man, having these twain, be secure?